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Down 103 pounds

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I havent been on here lately busy daughter graduated last week party next i am down now 103 cant believe it had to buy a new outfit for her graduation nothing fit now not buy to much yet:rolleyes:

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You rock how wounderful that you lost over 100 pounds so far. My I ask you what type of surgey did you have.. Lap Band? or Gastro? To have lost so much weight in such a short time, I think it's fantastic. And cogratulation on your daughters graduation.


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You rock how wounderful that you lost over 100 pounds so far. My I ask you what type of surgey did you have.. LAP-BAND®? or Gastro? To have lost so much weight in such a short time' date=' I think it's fantastic. And cogratulation on your daughters graduation.

LOVE IT!![/quote']

I had lapband i lost more than i should of they say it too fast but i do exercise 5 times aweek and i eat one gnc potein shake a day the main thing is too get enough protein a day these shake have 25 grams which you need at least 50 i notice when i dont my weight loss is down also drink special k protein water it has 5 gram of protein and fiber and fitness water which helps thanks:smile2:

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