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feeling crappy

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so im not banded but i really want to be.


i try to loose weight on my own but once i dont see any change i loose motivation. i dont know what to do to. i feel like crap most days bc of how i look. Im always called the cute girl and that i would be so pretty only if i was skinny. all i want to do is cry today. im having a terrible pain in my back and it might be kidney stone. i dont want to go through my life with medical issues. I want to be healthy but i just cant see myself doing it. i wish i could be on the biggest loser but without all the cameras.

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I would look into a local doctor who can sit down and talk with you about banding. I researched it for 5 years argued with my doctor about doing it as he believed i could do it on my own, spent thousands in over the counter wight loss garbage and nutrionists and now finally here I am two days post surgey and feel great. I cant wait to move on through my new life. The other thing i would say is if people tell you that you would be so pretty if you were only skinny they are only going to find something else wrong with you when you arte skinny so take stock in yourself and make the right decisions for you

Good luck

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I feel your frustration and pain. Most of the fatties I know or have corresponded with empathize, too. But that isn't much comfort. What I can say is keep an open mind and research this. Look for every resource you can to get as much info as possible. Search the Net for everything there is on lap-banding; find people who have been through it or are about to and ask them why they chose lap-band over other choices. Create a list of questions and book a consultation with a weight specialist and a nutritionist.

Discriminate. In the best sense of that word, learn to sort the wheat from the chaffe because you are going to hear some BS from some people, some will be sincere, some will be exaggerating, and some will simply not know what they are talking about. But listen to all of them. There is a common thread for you.

Take your time. This can be a serious life changing experience. You need to be 100% on board with your decision.

Banding was a life saving choice for me. Three reasons for my choice: my wife and my two daughters. As I look back now, I was committing suicide by food. I was at the brink of 400 pounds (actually had reached 408), my type 2 diabetes was in check but only because I was injecting insulin four to six times a day along with heavy doses of oral medication, and I was diagnosed with sleep apnea. My job was toxic. I hated who I was and what I had become: a loser. A big fat loser. In short I was miserable, exhausted, and sickly. I spent SuperBowl weekend in the hospital with acute bronchitis (originally diagnosed as congestive heart failure).

I had been pursuing Lap-banding for over six months but not until that hospital weekend did I really commit to living. This is not Pollyanna: when I made that decision, everything fell into place. I had prayed about it and researched it but there comes a time to fish or cut bait: you have to do something. My choice was to band.

Now I can't say it has been easy or simple. It hasn't. And I was scared even up to the time they wheeled me into the OR. My immediate post op hour was dreadful. But given the options -- living healthy, feeling good, sleeping regularly, eating smart, exercising regularly -- versus what and where I was -- choosing to band produced positive things.

I am about one-third of my way to my goal weight; today is exactly two months since my surgery. My attitude is 180 degrees different than before. There are still mountains to climb and disappointments to face, but if it weren't a challenge the fruit wouldn't taste so sweet. I am committed to living.

MellBell, you can become a different person lots of different ways. Ultimately it comes down to personal choices. You still have plenty of those before you. Don't settle for anything but what is the best choice for you.

May God give you His grace and courage to find your answer.

Keep us all posted.


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Thanks will and bell...I will take everything you said "wrote" into consideration. I didn’t think anyone would read it. i know i have to change my life around bc i cant keep feeling like this day in and out. its just not healthy.

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