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50 days post-op - 63 lbs - one fill

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Weekends seem to be the most challenging to stay within the goal specs:cursing:; staying busy seems to be my best cure but no guarantee. One thing I keep putting off is I need to get cleared to return to the gym. I know I need strength training (excluding abs for another six weeks) as I can see the first signs of the flabby wiggles on my triceps.


Sure nice to put on clothes that I haven't worn in ages -- well at least a year or more. I got rid of about twenty suits eight months ago knowing someone would get some use out of them; leaving them hanging in my closet was simply selfish of me. I felt good donating them but now I am thinking maybe I should have held on to a few of them.:biggrin:


My fatself suits, especially the pants, need tailoring but I am wondering how long that will last before I am taking them in again. Those are the kind of problems I enjoy having:smile:!


I am on "real" food now but find myself relying upon some of the transitional choices. My protein food choices now include mostly fish, chicken, and turkey with an occasional piece of pork loin or lamb loin chop. We had steak chunks last Sunday at my SIL's for Mother's Day but it was no big thing: 2 oz translated to two average size chunks. I used a dessert plate so it didn't look so puny! :lol: Veggies are better than ever before and planning my meals for the week is a great investment of time.


The crazy thing is watching others push the crap I used to shovel down my pie hole into theirs now. I just smile and think: it is always a matter of choice. I don't think I am any better than they are just better informed and motivated differently now. Add to the list of people to avoid: new converts, new non-smokers, and new weight surgery patients! I find myself in discussions with others who want to know more about banding, and I sense I am getting far too detailed. I need to find a simple elevator pitch and let it go. Most don't give a tinker's damn anyhow.


Best wishes to all you other banders and pre-banders. This was the best selfish decision in my life.


I am too tired to try to write much more tonight.:smile:


Anybody have any good breakfast recipes, I would love to try them out. Some variety would help.:drool:



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Hi WB , This is fantastic I myself am 50 days ish , I had op on 26th March. I only lost 4 lb Pre op but have only lost a stone and half in total. I had a fill last thurs which did nothing with 3 mls. To be honest reading stories like yours i feel disheartened a little as feel i should be further into weight loss .... But well done you .xx

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Thank you I start my day reading these blogs and you just made my day!!! ;-) You are the MOST non-selfish person I know!!!! You took time to share and help others here. You took charge of your life and you alone are making this happen. I was banded 46 weeks ago, where does the time go? I too have lost almost an entire person. I chose good healthy foods and I do not take part with the food pushers in my life today. To me they are like drug dealers as food was my drug. Now coffee is my only drug of choice only in the morning.

I seem to say to people who want to know more and ask me questions I say, "I always wanted to be small so now I eat small, I am smaller, and feel great." It sorta shuts them up because they know if they ate less they would also lose too!! Keep it simple. LOL Best wishes imaluckydog

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Hey WB, thanks for the tip on Protein+. Yes, we have Costco, but I am not a member. My husband and I are going to make smoothies tonight to see if I can better tolerate the protein mix with a little bit of frozen berries in it. He seems to think so. We bought a blender today that crushes ice, so we can experiment up until my banding. We are going to write down recipes. It is something we can do together. Well, keep up the good work and thanks again for the great tip.

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Hi WB. Thanks for the message. I am a pre bander. One you say to avoid. I saw your response to the girl who just had the band and is having pain. I am sorry but this is my first day and I totally got freaked out by all the people complaining of complications. Your message definately made me feel much better about the decision that I am most probably going to under take next month. Keep up the great work!

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