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Third day post op

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So I am feeling much better today. I am having a hard time getting up and down, but it is incision pain. I also have a lot of pressure in my chest. Feeling bloated. I have been trying to keep up with my fluid intake and that is a bit hard! Went for a walk around the block. Right now i am having soem fat free cottage cheese. It is rather yummy! I had a protein shake this morning. I am going to finally take a shower tonight! It has been three days, so i am more than ready! I was cleared to take a shower the day after surgery, but i have been in too much pain! I have dermabond on my incisions, so i dont have to worry about stitches. I am excited! I am ready for this journey! :smile:

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Congratulations! That first shower feels SOOOOOOOOOO good lol... sorry you're still in pain, we all heal differently.. Are you walking every hour? are you using the gas-x strips? Those are a life saver! Best wishes for you a speedy recovery! Enjoy that shower!

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