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Possibly no longer a May 3rd bandster... =(

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I have been having problems with my surgeons office since day one and little did I know that this was just the begining. So today I went for my pre-op appt. AF is coming soon and I started my day with cramps and a headache, i could tell that this day wasn't going to be good. So I went to the hospital which is an hour and a half away, it was jam packed and I had to park about a 1/4 of a mile away from the hospital! I waited for what seem to be forever before I was called back. Once again I had to do more blood work, ekg and all that great stuff when the surgical nurse from my surgeons office called the nurse that was doing my test and said she wanted to speak with me. So I get on the phone and she tells me that what I was quoted prior was no longer the case and that it is $400 more which needed to be paid TODAY!! I'm now upset. Then she tells me that I can't have my surgery on Monday unless I have had a one on one which I havent. No one ever told me that I needed to do this until today at 3pm... 6 days before my surgery!! I asked well can I see him this week? She said no he is going out of town!!! So yes, I did go off on her. I have already taken off and so has my husband and I have made almost impossible arrangements for my daughter to be with someone the night before and day of!!:angry: She didn't care nor show any sympathy. That was the final straw for me. I have been feeling for awhile that this was not the right place or dr for me but since I was already approved by my insurance & I had heard some good things about him I was just going to go ahead with it anyway. I called my husband very upset and emotional and he told me that he hasn't felt right about this place either and that I should go somewhere else where I am treated right. Ever since I went for a consultation and told them I wanted to use my insurance I feel like I was being treated unfairly or that I wasn't important because I wasn't paying cash. I couldnt take it anymore so I called the office back and told them to shove it! :biggrin:


The only thing is that I have lost about 18 lbs since being on my pre-op diet and now am slightly below my required BMI for my insurance to approve it. I am now concerned about not being able to get approved that now that I am going to see another surgeon. Anyone else have any similar problems or can ease my mind about the insurance approval with this type of situation?


I'm sorry but I just needed to vent to someone who would understand. :wub:

I am/felt very sad that I won't be having my surgery on Monday. But as soon as I told her to shove it my headache went away and I felt at peace about it. That lets me know that this was the right thing to do.:w00t:




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I have been having problems with my surgeons office since day one and little did I know that this was just the begining. So today I went for my pre-op appt. AF is coming soon and I started my day with cramps and a headache, i could tell that this day wasn't going to be good. So I went to the hospital which is an hour and a half away, it was jam packed and I had to park about a 1/4 of a mile away from the hospital! I waited for what seem to be forever before I was called back. Once again I had to do more blood work, ekg and all that great stuff when the surgical nurse from my surgeons office called the nurse that was doing my test and said she wanted to speak with me. So I get on the phone and she tells me that what I was quoted prior was no longer the case and that it is $400 more which needed to be paid TODAY!! I'm now upset. Then she tells me that I can't have my surgery on Monday unless I have had a one on one which I havent. No one ever told me that I needed to do this until today at 3pm... 6 days before my surgery!! I asked well can I see him this week? She said no he is going out of town!!! So yes, I did go off on her. I have already taken off and so has my husband and I have made almost impossible arrangements for my daughter to be with someone the night before and day of!!:blink: She didn't care nor show any sympathy. That was the final straw for me. I have been feeling for awhile that this was not the right place or dr for me but since I was already approved by my insurance & I had heard some good things about him I was just going to go ahead with it anyway. I called my husband very upset and emotional and he told me that he hasn't felt right about this place either and that I should go somewhere else where I am treated right. Ever since I went for a consultation and told them I wanted to use my insurance I feel like I was being treated unfairly or that I wasn't important because I wasn't paying cash. I couldnt take it anymore so I called the office back and told them to shove it! :confused:

The only thing is that I have lost about 18 lbs since being on my pre-op diet and now am slightly below my required BMI for my insurance to approve it. I am now concerned about not being able to get approved that now that I am going to see another surgeon. Anyone else have any similar problems or can ease my mind about the insurance approval with this type of situation?

I'm sorry but I just needed to vent to someone who would understand. :lol:

I am/felt very sad that I won't be having my surgery on Monday. But as soon as I told her to shove it my headache went away and I felt at peace about it. That lets me know that this was the right thing to do.:biggrin:



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Awesome, if it doesn't feel right don't do it. If you go to another Doctor, they may be able to put it all together for you with your insurance Company. This is a bit of a roller coaster ride but hang in there.

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