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I was banded 2 weeks ago, and have lost 12 lbs... 1st week liquids/2nd week mushies/Dr office put me on reg food, within reason going forward... I gained 3 lbs,:biggrin:, i wonder if its bc im actually putting food into my system after being on pretty much nothing for the past 2 weeks. I go for my 1st fill on 5/14, what can I do NOW to make sure I dont gain more weight... Protein, fiber, i cut off carbs after the mushie week , any other tips or help w. what I cna eat 2 make sure i do not gain more weight b4 my 1st fill... Kinda a downer.

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I was banded 2 weeks ago, and have lost 12 lbs... 1st week liquids/2nd week mushies/Dr office put me on reg food, within reason going forward... I gained 3 lbs,:confused:, i wonder if its bc im actually putting food into my system after being on pretty much nothing for the past 2 weeks. I go for my 1st fill on 5/14, what can I do NOW to make sure I dont gain more weight... Protein, fiber, i cut off carbs after the mushie week , any other tips or help w. what I cna eat 2 make sure i do not gain more weight b4 my 1st fill... Kinda a downer.

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Thanks for asking to be my friend. Well, we all want to be healthy Right. ;-) I eat Not too much now, mostly plants ( cooked ones) with proteins first. This is not a diet any more. This will be a way of life your LB journey if you will. You will be able to eat anything you want if your body (band) will tolerate it! Eat slow and chew well.

I wanted to lose weight with the help of my band. I make my own food and try to make better food choices. If it comes to you thru a window it is not REAL. Not good for you either RIGHT!!

I got off soda of all kinds and sugar and fake sugar as well. I did have a short period of withdrawal it did not last long and I do not miss the stuff. It would always make me want more. Now Chocolate is different. I do have some now that I have lost 103 pounds in a years time. You do not have to give up anything you love forever. Remember this is a journey that you are in control of. If you make poor food choices the weight will not come off and if you follow the rules when you go to sleep the weight will melt away for some fast and for some slow. This band works weather you want to help it or not. If you have specific questions I will be glad to help.

You know what you need to eat trust yourself to make better choices around the foods, eat less and make sure you get enough Protein rich foods to be healthy. If you don't you will feel tired I know it has happened to me. Get on a good food schedule and try to do the same each day until it becomes normal for you. Old habits are hardest to break for me the NO DRINKING with meals was the hardest. You will feel fuller longer if you do not drink during a meal. Oh I hope this helps. I had very nice people help me when I started out. Best wishes to you on your journey. imaluckydog

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