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Misery comes in THREES!

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We are sad this evening as we lost my husbands father at 4:40 PM. He was 88 years old and had a long and very interesting life, lots of children and grandchildren and we feel he is in a better place.

As we struggle with this tonight, I realized that when I stress, I can NOT swallow food very well so it is harder for me to get any nutrients in. So tomorrow I will go to liquids until I calm down and relax. The LapBand life if one we learn and live on a day to day basis.

May not get to be on here for a few days, so please send up a prayer or two for our family! Thanks to my Lapband friends!:biggrin:

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We are sad this evening as we lost my husbands father at 4:40 PM. He was 88 years old and had a long and very interesting life, lots of children and grandchildren and we feel he is in a better place.

As we struggle with this tonight, I realized that when I stress, I can NOT swallow food very well so it is harder for me to get any nutrients in. So tomorrow I will go to liquids until I calm down and relax. The LapBand life if one we learn and live on a day to day basis.

May not get to be on here for a few days, so please send up a prayer or two for our family! Thanks to my Lapband friends!:confused:

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You are in my thoughts so sad to hear of your loss. You will make it thru with the help of LB and you know who. Best wishes imaluckydog

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Thanks to all of you dear friends, we will make it a day at a time. Gots lots of out of town family coming in for the Memorial on Saturday.

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I am so very sorry for the loss you and your family have suffered recently. With your Daughters future mother in law I believe and then her husband and now this.Yes I do Actually read and pray for my bandster friends out there. I am so so sorry. I know it feels like when it rains it pours and God is obviously taking you thru a very trying season. I pray for stength and for you to lean on him right now. Even though we dont understand these things, he is the only one that can get you thru. God be with you and your family in the loss of such a irreplacable person in your life. Please tell your husband though I dont know him, there are those out here praying for his (and the whole family) heartsto heal. No one can ever take the place of your momma or daddy. I am so sorry.God be with you all Mechelle

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