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Help/complication after complication

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I've had nothing but complications....I'm disappointed. I had my lapband surgery in Sept 09. I went for my first fill and the dr couldn't access my port. I had an xray and per the dr the post had flipped. He scheduled me for surgery in Dec.19th 09 to replace post...surgery EVERYTHING went well so I thought....went for a fill and the dr couldn't access the port again...went for xray ..had to had surgery again..but before my surgery I notice a knot(that was getting bigger by the day) . I visited the dr he stated it was fatty tissue and when I have surgery on Friday he would remove it......Surgery day I woke up without a port and Septecimia(blood posion), a Drain bag and 5 days in the hospital.....I should have stop and had him remove the unit but on 4/1 I had surgery again he replaced the port. But I'm afraid... I think I want it out.....DO ANYBODY KNOW OF SOMEONE WHO'S BEEN THROUGH THIS....PLEASE HELP ME IF YOU CAN..ANYTHING...ADVICE , ENCOURAGING WORDS....ALL I hve from this lapband is 4 surgerys,blood poison, depression,bills and 15lbs heavier.....what do you all think?


Thank you



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I've had nothing but complications....I'm disappointed. I had my lapband surgery in Sept 09. I went for my first fill and the dr couldn't access my port. I had an xray and per the dr the post had flipped. He scheduled me for surgery in Dec.19th 09 to replace post...surgery EVERYTHING went well so I thought....went for a fill and the dr couldn't access the port again...went for xray ..had to had surgery again..but before my surgery I notice a knot(that was getting bigger by the day) . I visited the dr he stated it was fatty tissue and when I have surgery on Friday he would remove it......Surgery day I woke up without a port and Septecimia(blood posion), a Drain bag and 5 days in the hospital.....I should have stop and had him remove the unit but on 4/1 I had surgery again he replaced the port. But I'm afraid... I think I want it out.....DO ANYBODY KNOW OF SOMEONE WHO'S BEEN THROUGH THIS....PLEASE HELP ME IF YOU CAN..ANYTHING...ADVICE , ENCOURAGING WORDS....ALL I hve from this lapband is 4 surgerys,blood poison, depression,bills and 15lbs heavier.....what do you all think?

Thank you



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I haven't been banded yet. I know I have had complications with a hernia operation. I have had a seroma for 4 months that is turning into a hematoma. My surgeon said he can do the lapband around it without causing a problem. I hope and pray he is right. I will be praying for you. Keep your head up!:thumbup:

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Have not had any complications, but I am praying for you, the reasons for having the band have not left you I am sure, so when you are successful and people who are persistant are, you will be so happy.

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Dear Anita,

Boy that is bad luck. I must say having seen thousands of people with the band, this level of complication I have not seen. The weight gain you have experienced may be due to the frustration and feeling let down by the whole process. I would hope that your Dr is giving some extra TLC. Keep at it and be extra patient until the process gets started. IN the mean time gain some control back in your life by focusing on what you can have control over. I think being active does wonders for your mind set, that includes fresh air.

Good luck

Bariatric Dietitian

Helen Bauzon

Welcome to globalgastricbandsolutions.com.au

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My heart goes out to you. There is nothing worse then being that one person who has all the problems. Any given proceedure can have complications even routine dental work can turn into a nightmare.

Be strong and our thoughts and prayers will be with you!

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You are in my prayers. I am going threw simular situtation. Not quite the same. But I feel your frustration. I am 10 days post op. I had my lap band surgery on 05/22/2010. Just 5 days after surgery I started having fever and alot of pain and swelling and redness at the insision where the port went. After 2 trips to Urgent care and 1 trip to ER I was dx with a seroma with possible infection. I had it drained out and everyday since last Thursday have had to haave the packing changed. I am doing good on the weightloss aspect of things and that keeps me going. However, I am worried that I am facing more surgery. I had my surgery in Mexico and I live in California, so its not so easy to get the follow up care that I need. I am frustrated about that. I am going to see my lap band dr in mexico in 2 weeks and hoping and praying for good news. So I need prayers as well please. Let's pray for eachother. I am here for ya anytime you need to chat. It's difficult and frustrating going threw uncertin medical issues. Keep your head up, and remember that life is good and that this will pass eventually.

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My prayers are with you all! Good luck... Ever thought that your body is rejecting the port (just will not allow it in your body?) My body wont let me pierce my belly button, would keep pushing the ring out, similar in theory. Wonder if your body just wont tolerate the foriegn matter inside you! Good luck to all

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