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A good day...down 2

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I weighed myself today and I am down another 2 lbs. for a total of 10 lbs. I feel good about that. The biggest change has been no soft drinks. I drink flavored water only. I am making more healthy choices. Not always but mostly. I was really craving tacos. Well taco meat that I put on baked scoops. I finally made it tonight and it was ALOT. I am stuffed and miserable but my craving is gone. I had a protein shake for breakfast and smoked chicken for lunch. I still haven't gotten this whole eating without drinking. That I guess is my next task to master. It's hard to imagine not drinking while I eat. I get so thirsty. :unsure: I try to have one protein shake per day instead of a meal. Breakfast is the easiest for me. I do trade off and occasionally have an egg for breakfast. Protein, protein, protein. Protein and low carb. Got to get into the habit now. I found a food journal on bariatriceating.com and a few good recipes but was confused. Some of the recipes had 12g of FAT per serving. I expected it to be less fattening. I started a binder for my food journals and recipes collections. Getting it together a little a time. BAND DATE 5-12-10:thumbup:

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I weighed myself today and I am down another 2 lbs. for a total of 10 lbs. I feel good about that. The biggest change has been no soft drinks. I drink flavored water only. I am making more healthy choices. Not always but mostly. I was really craving tacos. Well taco meat that I put on baked scoops. I finally made it tonight and it was ALOT. I am stuffed and miserable but my craving is gone. I had a protein shake for breakfast and smoked chicken for lunch. I still haven't gotten this whole eating without drinking. That I guess is my next task to master. It's hard to imagine not drinking while I eat. I get so thirsty. :thumbup: I try to have one protein shake per day instead of a meal. Breakfast is the easiest for me. I do trade off and occasionally have an egg for breakfast. Protein, protein, protein. Protein and low carb. Got to get into the habit now. I found a food journal on bariatriceating.com and a few good recipes but was confused. Some of the recipes had 12g of FAT per serving. I expected it to be less fattening. I started a binder for my food journals and recipes collections. Getting it together a little a time. BAND DATE 5-12-10:thumbup:

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hi anglov, I know what you mean about eatting and drinking, but you haven't been banded yet? Ohhh boy, I hope for your sake that you do master that before hand, I wish I had, it's horrible if you eat and drink at the same time!!! I feel horrible, but it sounds like your on the right track!!! I got my band on 2-10-10, and I am so far doing very well, I am up to 35 down since, and I am very happy about my progress!!! I look forward to meeting my goal, but know that it's not going to come without pain and determination, and it's not going to come overnight or easy!!! It's gonna take alot of work!!! Well good luck, and I hope for the best, Keep up the good work!!!

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35?? That's great! I have been on here reading and "studying" what others have been going through. I am trying to work on habits now that I will need later on. I gave up soft drinks now I need to work on concentrating on eating and chewing very well. I tend to inhale my food. I just want to try and head off potential problems if I can.

I was going to be banded next week but I needed to get more prepared plus time off and all. I am really glad I put it off another month.

I am so proud of all you have accomplished so far. You are hope for the rest of us.

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Yeah I think your doing good so far, and giving up soda, omg that was one of the toughest things I did!!! I loved Diet Coke, and that was my biggest down fall, and I sometimes miss it, and every once in a while I will grab a 20 oz still and just have a few sips, but it doesn't taste the same as it did before??? I am all set with having it all the time like I did before, but I will tell you that I wish I had done some of the training that your giving yourself, cause I sometimes feel like I am still very hungary and I will inhale my food, and then I am paying for it cause I am sitting there in pain!!! Trust me it's not a good thing!!! So now I sit and I try to keep it in my head that it's going to hurt and be very uncomfortable if I don't eat slowely and chew my food to mush!!! LOL You will do great, and thanks, I am really putting forth the most effort I possibly can, cause this isn't something that you can take laying around so to speak!!! I got the surgury for a reason, and I am not going to let it go to waste!!!

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