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my surgery experance and more questons

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I had to be at the hospital at 6:30am.I waited and waited till around 11:30 before they were finally ready for me. (i almost walk out at leat 5 times) finally they got me all ready with nice tight socks an iv and a really cool gown that kept me warm and i was off to wait some more. they had me in the pre surgical waiting room for like another hour and a half. I must have cried the hold time i was there. Then finally my doctor came in to see me. He calmed me down a bit then off i went. The helped me to change beds in the or the all of a sudden i hear some one say goodnight and i was out! I remember waking up in a crazy amount of pain. They had to change my iv and couldnt get in it in fast enough i had woke up with no paid meds. Finally they got it in and i had pain relief. I had to stay in the recovery room for hours because they didnt have any rooms upstairs. Finally at around 6pm i got a room. I Did fine. No vomiting...ect.did my walking ect. I felt really good the next morning. walked again. Had a upper GI then i was released to go home.

Now this is where i have run into some trouble. I feel like i have to burp really bad and cant. almost like indigestion. I have only had liquids. I am taking gas x but nothing. Is this normal? HELP!!!!!!!:blushing:

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I had to be at the hospital at 6:30am.I waited and waited till around 11:30 before they were finally ready for me. (i almost walk out at leat 5 times) finally they got me all ready with nice tight socks an iv and a really cool gown that kept me warm and i was off to wait some more. they had me in the pre surgical waiting room for like another hour and a half. I must have cried the hold time i was there. Then finally my doctor came in to see me. He calmed me down a bit then off i went. The helped me to change beds in the or the all of a sudden i hear some one say goodnight and i was out! I remember waking up in a crazy amount of pain. They had to change my iv and couldnt get in it in fast enough i had woke up with no paid meds. Finally they got it in and i had pain relief. I had to stay in the recovery room for hours because they didnt have any rooms upstairs. Finally at around 6pm i got a room. I Did fine. No vomiting...ect.did my walking ect. I felt really good the next morning. walked again. Had a upper GI then i was released to go home.

Now this is where i have run into some trouble. I feel like i have to burp really bad and cant. almost like indigestion. I have only had liquids. I am taking gas x but nothing. Is this normal? HELP!!!!!!!:wub:

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Follow the rules and go slow. Be kind to yourself this is your time to heal. In a few days you will feel so much better. Sounds like all went well. Best wishes imaluckydog

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walking helps get that gas moving - keep up with the gas-x (I used the strips and they worked wonders) - and I agree with luckydog - be good to yourself! Best wishes on this journey!

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