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Fighting old demons

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Unfortunately, this is not a positive blog. I haven't exercised for about 3 weeks because I was hit with a nasty cold, and I started slipping back into old food habits, not journaling, and giving myself way too much license. What I have to show for it is 4 weeks with essentially no loss - what a waste.


I'm determined to start back today. I've been under stress at work and working 7 days a week, so I think I reverted back to my old coping mechanism: food, and plenty of sugar. I also stopped logging my food, which is another important thing to keep me on track. I will pick that up again. I recommend sparkpeople.com as a great free site to track online.


I go in to get my second fill the first week of April. I'm embarrassed.


Here's hoping the next blog will be a positive one. I do not want to go down this path again.

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Unfortunately, this is not a positive blog. I haven't exercised for about 3 weeks because I was hit with a nasty cold, and I started slipping back into old food habits, not journaling, and giving myself way too much license. What I have to show for it is 4 weeks with essentially no loss - what a waste.

I'm determined to start back today. I've been under stress at work and working 7 days a week, so I think I reverted back to my old coping mechanism: food, and plenty of sugar. I also stopped logging my food, which is another important thing to keep me on track. I will pick that up again. I recommend sparkpeople.com as a great free site to track online.

I go in to get my second fill the first week of April. I'm embarrassed.

Here's hoping the next blog will be a positive one. I do not want to go down this path again.

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Hey, I have been in the same boat for the past few weeks... letting old habits creep back in. Try not to beat yourself up. Its all part of the journey I figure. Think of all the positive changes you have made... this is what I tell myself to do to pick myself back up.

And, don't be embarassed about weighing in when you go for your fill. Its good for them to see you are struggling a bit. I'm assuming if this is your second fill, you do not have optimal restriction yet (if much at all) and the fact that you have not lost weight will actually work in your favor (you may get a bigger fill).

I've only had my band for a little over 3 months myself, but one thing I have noticed is that at least when I slip up w/the band, I don't gain (or don't gain much and it goes away quickly). It sure is a lot more forgiving than when I used to slip up on normal diets before. Best of luck to you on getting back on track!

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Thank you so much for the encouragement. I'm glad to know that I'm not alone. I have started exercising again--albeit minimally--and that does seem to help. Although yesterday, I ate 1/2 sandwich at lunch and put the other half away because I recognized my full signal...but then ate a big cookie. Errrgh. My body feels heavier in fatter areas. I miss that light feeling. I considered going back on liquids, and I might, but I'd really like to conquer this problem, because it will always be there if I don't.

Like you, I do notice that I don't get as punished on the scale when I blow it with the band. I either gain a pound which disappears when I get back on track, or I stay the same.

I do hope it works in my favor when getting the fill. I am embarrassed, though. I was such his model patient, I hate to let him down. But, the reality is, there is a reason I (and all of us) gained all the weight that lead us to have surgery. Those reasons don't dissapear with the band. I just have to be smarter about coping with them in healthy ways.

Thank you for telling me not to beat myself up. It does help to hear it from someone.

Good luck - and keep me posted, okay? :wub:

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