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No More Ms. Nice Girl or Just A Feel Good Rant?!

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Sometimes my friends and family make me want to scream, but being a "Nice Girl" I force a polite smile on my face and role with it.


Today I'm just putting it out there because its better than screaming and scaring the you-know-what out of the dog!:lol:


Sister-in-law #1 aka "Jabber Jaws". I'd have thought that after my husband, her brother, Mr. Calm-Cool & Collected got pissed off when she spoiled the surprise of our moving into the area(hence de-railing the big party we'd planned) that she'd have learned her lesson? Apparently not as she had to tell simply everyone that I'd had a hysterctomy after I specifically asked her not to.


I guess telling her that this was a "personal journey" wasn't clear enough or perhaps it just didn't matter to her. Imagine my surprise when not half an hour after I'd confided in her, my mother-in-law called to offer her opinion i.e., "I just heard from Lisa...if you just tried a little harder...".


Since then, people she's blabbed to are coming out of the wood work. People who are merely acquaintences are calling for the details. Some friend of hers from downstate called and told my my s-i-l had been, "keeping her in the loop" re; my ongoing "saga". Are you kidding me?! Gee - how long until the local paper or news team arrives at the door? How weird is it that a friend of my husband heard about my surgery from his mother who heard it from the postman(no lie). :eek:

The flip side of this is the pseudo concerned - Sister-in-law #2. We see this side of the family once or twice a year. They mostly hang with her people and tend to look down their noses at our side of the family as we aren't of the same political views.

S-i-l #2 called yesterday:

"I heard you had surgery!"

(me) "Yes"

"So you're doing okay? No one tells me anything!"

(me)"I'm fine..."

(don't even get to finish what I'm saying when S-i-l #2 cuts me off to, as usual, talk about herself and her family..."It's a shame it had to come to this. Oh well, we're having a great time down in VA...Bob is going to run a marathon, and Billy is at Lacrosse camp and all I do is shop and ...Okay - talk to you later - Bye".

What the hell was the point of this call - so you can say you've done your duty? I've been married to my husband for over 15 years and I have yet to attend a family function where these people have ever let someone finish talking or expressed any real interest in what's going on in anyone else's life:eek:

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Sometimes my friends and family make me want to scream, but being a "Nice Girl" I force a polite smile on my face and role with it.

Today I'm just putting it out there because its better than screaming and scaring the you-know-what out of the dog!:)

Sister-in-law #1 aka "Jabber Jaws". I'd have thought that after my husband, her brother, Mr. Calm-Cool & Collected got pissed off when she spoiled the surprise of our moving into the area(hence de-railing the big party we'd planned) that she'd have learned her lesson? Apparently not as she had to tell simply everyone that I'd had a hysterctomy after I specifically asked her not to.

I guess telling her that this was a "personal journey" wasn't clear enough or perhaps it just didn't matter to her. Imagine my surprise when not half an hour after I'd confided in her, my mother-in-law called to offer her opinion i.e., "I just heard from Lisa...if you just tried a little harder...".

Since then, people she's blabbed to are coming out of the wood work. People who are merely acquaintences are calling for the details. Some friend of hers from downstate called and told my my s-i-l had been, "keeping her in the loop" re; my ongoing "saga". Are you kidding me?! Gee - how long until the local paper or news team arrives at the door? How weird is it that a friend of my husband heard about my surgery from his mother who heard it from the postman(no lie). :)

The flip side of this is the pseudo concerned - Sister-in-law #2. We see this side of the family once or twice a year. They mostly hang with her people and tend to look down their noses at our side of the family as we aren't of the same political views.

S-i-l #2 called yesterday:

"I heard you had surgery!"

(me) "Yes"

"So you're doing okay? No one tells me anything!"

(me)"I'm fine..."

(don't even get to finish what I'm saying when S-i-l #2 cuts me off to, as usual, talk about herself and her family..."It's a shame it had to come to this. Oh well, we're having a great time down in VA...Bob is going to run a marathon, and Billy is at Lacrosse camp and all I do is shop and ...Okay - talk to you later - Bye".

What the hell was the point of this call - so you can say you've done your duty? I've been married to my husband for over 15 years and I have yet to attend a family function where these people have ever let someone finish talking or expressed any real interest in what's going on in anyone else's life:eek:

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Good for you...sounds like you really needed to get that off of you. Hey....and I understand perfectly how a feel good rant can help. It might not exactly "fix" things but if you are anything like me...I love a good B*$@H fest every now and then. Best Wishes!!

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LOL - Thanks ShellieBell - sometimes it takes putting out there in all it's assinity(is that a word?) to get a chuckle out of it.

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Oh!! Girl please I feel you on this one! I HATE when people tell my business. I have had a ton of people asking me about the surgury too, when I had no idea how they could have known. Come to find out that one of my cousins (who has been a SUPER HATER) is telling everyone. I know she hopes I fail and I know she is only teliing people to gossip. She told me, why don't you just try to diet...BITCH WHY DON'T YOU! LOL Of course I didn't say that...I'm a nice girl too. Oh and my sister in law, on more then one occasion, has told me that I am a cheater. She was like girl I could lose 45 too if I cheated. LOLLOL So my husband said then sis get a job with insurance or a man with a job and get it done too. That shut her up! LOL I love this website...you never know when you will be able to let go on people and vent. Don't let them bother you, just be glad you don't have to deal with them often. And remember enjoy the haters...it means you are doing something right!!! :)

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Theresa'sMom415 - Gave me a great laugh today - thanks! Love the way people throw out the word "cheater"...so I guess every anorexic who forces herself to vomit is a cheater, as is anyone on a diet drug. Let's face it - look around you when you're at the mall or the grocery store and most people you see could stand to lose a few and there are a LOT who could stand to lose quite a bit. I guess if you chose not to, that's an okay decision - for you. We made a decision after years of unsuccessful effort - that's not cheating; after all it's not like we went to the pharmacy counter and said," Gimme one of them there gastric bandy things!" - we researched, worked with our doctors, had our heads examined, had big brother moniter our sleep, had folks poke and prod us from one end to another - yeah, some cheatin' goin' there! LOL

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