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pro op! wow

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What a draining day yesterday! I had my pre op appointment. My appointment was at 1 but of coarse the dr didnt get to me till like 2:30. IN that time i met so many people in the waiting room. Frist there was girls that had had lap band and didnt lose anything! the both said they were not happy with the chose they made. So that made me question if i was doing the right thing. Then two more ladies came in both with lap bands an said they had no probles eating anything. Well come to find out the first two girls had been banded by a diffrent doctor and we not even sure if it was done right. That made me feel a little better. Every single person i met yesterday that was banded my dr all said they can eat almost anything and had very little pain.

Like i said i was there for almost two hours, I met another lady who had had the bypass (not from my dr) and was telling me how much trouble she had with it. All the same thing that happen to my cousin ( my cousin died from the bypass). Turns out the had the same Doctor and she knew my cousin. They had had surgery the same day and kept in touch till he died! Small world huh. She told me how MY dr had saved he life and how DR

Dr. Terry Sanderfer


has killed or nearly killed so many people. :tt1: I dont understand how he is till allowed to practice.

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What a draining day yesterday! I had my pre op appointment. My appointment was at 1 but of coarse the dr didnt get to me till like 2:30. IN that time i met so many people in the waiting room. Frist there was girls that had had lap band and didnt lose anything! the both said they were not happy with the chose they made. So that made me question if i was doing the right thing. Then two more ladies came in both with lap bands an said they had no probles eating anything. Well come to find out the first two girls had been banded by a diffrent doctor and we not even sure if it was done right. That made me feel a little better. Every single person i met yesterday that was banded my dr all said they can eat almost anything and had very little pain.

Like i said i was there for almost two hours, I met another lady who had had the bypass (not from my dr) and was telling me how much trouble she had with it. All the same thing that happen to my cousin ( my cousin died from the bypass). Turns out the had the same Doctor and she knew my cousin. They had had surgery the same day and kept in touch till he died! Small world huh. She told me how MY dr had saved he life and how DR

Dr. Terry Sanderfer

has killed or nearly killed so many people. :) I dont understand how he is till allowed to practice.

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