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Today was a very bad day, but now I have a plan!

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I guess I didn't really know what Bandster Hell was until today. I stepped on the scales for my weekly weigh-in and I was .2 pounds up. I know that doesn't seem like a lot, but I was .6 pounds up last week, so I am definitely moving in the WRONG direction.


I have been eating in a way (calorie-wise) that would have produced results in the past. Now...not so much. Plus, I worked out 4 times last week. And not just "activity" work outs...hard, high intensity work outs.


I had myself a nice little pity party on the way to work. Unfortunately, my mom had to attend the party because I talk to her during my commute. I'm not good with these types of parties, for myself or anyone else, so as soon as I got to work...I made a plan. I always feel better when I have a plan.


Step 1: I honestly don't know how much effect I can have on my "diet" until my next fill which is 3/22. So, I'm going to do that which I hate and LOG EVERYTHING. UGH. Seriously, I hate it. But I can't deal with these types of results until I hit my sweet spot. If I log my food, I will have one of two results. 1. It will turn out that I am indeed fooling myself and there are changes to be made. 2. I'm doing everything I need to do and will get some sort of weird satisfaction in showing my nurse. Heh.


Step 2: Additionally, I have gotten a couple of co-workers to work out with me (elliptical) at lunch two days a week. This is HUGE for me. I hate staying in for lunch. I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY hate staying in for lunch. I'm a single girl who lives by myself and lunch is one of my only social interactions. But I recognize that in the short term, I need to make a committment to this. So, I'm planning to do this 2 days a week for 8 weeks.


Step 3: I'm getting a personal trainer. I go to Jazzercise 2-4 times per week. I get a fantastic work out from Jazzercise, but it is hell on my feet. I think it will always hurt, but if I lost 50 pounds, I bet it would start huring less!! Anyway...I can't add Jazzercise classes because my feet will fall off. I thought I would try more muscle building so I can burn fat faster. I have had issues with hurting my back in the past, so I want to work out with a personal trainer to try and keep that from happening. That would just not be helpful at all. I meet with someone at the gym tomorrow at 7:30 PM after my Jazzercise class.


I am committing to 8 weeks (through the end of April) to give myself a good jumpstart. I cannot yet say what I will do after that, but that is not the point. Short term committment. 8 weeks.


I can do this!

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I guess I didn't really know what Bandster Hell was until today. I stepped on the scales for my weekly weigh-in and I was .2 pounds up. I know that doesn't seem like a lot, but I was .6 pounds up last week, so I am definitely moving in the WRONG direction.

I have been eating in a way (calorie-wise) that would have produced results in the past. Now...not so much. Plus, I worked out 4 times last week. And not just "activity" work outs...hard, high intensity work outs.

I had myself a nice little pity party on the way to work. Unfortunately, my mom had to attend the party because I talk to her during my commute. I'm not good with these types of parties, for myself or anyone else, so as soon as I got to work...I made a plan. I always feel better when I have a plan.

Step 1: I honestly don't know how much effect I can have on my "diet" until my next fill which is 3/22. So, I'm going to do that which I hate and LOG EVERYTHING. UGH. Seriously, I hate it. But I can't deal with these types of results until I hit my sweet spot. If I log my food, I will have one of two results. 1. It will turn out that I am indeed fooling myself and there are changes to be made. 2. I'm doing everything I need to do and will get some sort of weird satisfaction in showing my nurse. Heh.

Step 2: Additionally, I have gotten a couple of co-workers to work out with me (elliptical) at lunch two days a week. This is HUGE for me. I hate staying in for lunch. I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY hate staying in for lunch. I'm a single girl who lives by myself and lunch is one of my only social interactions. But I recognize that in the short term, I need to make a committment to this. So, I'm planning to do this 2 days a week for 8 weeks.

Step 3: I'm getting a personal trainer. I go to Jazzercise 2-4 times per week. I get a fantastic work out from Jazzercise, but it is hell on my feet. I think it will always hurt, but if I lost 50 pounds, I bet it would start huring less!! Anyway...I can't add Jazzercise classes because my feet will fall off. I thought I would try more muscle building so I can burn fat faster. I have had issues with hurting my back in the past, so I want to work out with a personal trainer to try and keep that from happening. That would just not be helpful at all. I meet with someone at the gym tomorrow at 7:30 PM after my Jazzercise class.

I am committing to 8 weeks (through the end of April) to give myself a good jumpstart. I cannot yet say what I will do after that, but that is not the point. Short term committment. 8 weeks.

I can do this!

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I thought it would be good to point out something from my story.

My weight hadnt changed in 2 weeks, and I got the surgery 3 weeks ago. I was working out (walking on the treadmill and muscle training) but the scale wouldnt move. Well, it went a little up for a few days, but then ended back at the same place.

I went for my first fill last Friday, and I had to be weighed, totally dreading it. Its a special scale that tells body fat, muscle mass, water weight, etc, basically everything. Well I'd put on 3 kgs in muscle, and lost the same in fat. I dont know why I didnt trust my appearance (I could tell I was skinnier from my clothes fitting better, my face is less round, I can wear stuff I couldnt before, only 15 pounds down. Hell, my belly is almost in line with my boobs, instead of my normal pregnant look.)

Muscle weighs more than fat, and if youre exercising and toning muscles, its reasonable to not lose weight for a little bit.

I'm sure if you keep up the exercise and try not to cheat the band, the scale WILL go down.

You CAN do this!!!

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Your solutions sound very efficient and smart. I feel logging all food will help me & my doctor to determine amount of fluid for fill.

Comparing my weight loss with the diary should give him what he needs to make the decision.

We can do this and be successful.


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