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So i have two weeks to dwell and that is what i am doing! I have a question for the women out there that have had children. Is the surgery pain any worse then a c-section? I have had two and just keep thinking to my self it cant be any worse than that right???? And how long to you feel like your self again?:tt1:

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So i have two weeks to dwell and that is what i am doing! I have a question for the women out there that have had children. Is the surgery pain any worse then a c-section? I have had two and just keep thinking to my self it cant be any worse than that right???? And how long to you feel like your self again?:)

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It's not worse than a C-section, by any means. for about 2 days, I pretty much layed around in bed...but that might have been cause my husband was taking care of our 4 boys, and I was taking advantage of it! The gas pain in my chest kinda sucks. I was all back to normal in about 5-6 days.

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I felt that it was very similar to having a c-section. If you use that same procedure of getting up & down/sitting up you will be fine. Also, take the pain medication. The quicker you get up and walk as well as the more you walk the quicker you will feel better and feel you self again. I have a two year old...so I wasn't able to lift him for 30 days (he weighs 39lbs). Other than that I was back to work in 1 week.

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I had a C section to deliver twins. it is not worse.

You do feel achy where the incisions are and you do need to be careful lifting over 10 lbs for a while. For me it was hard since i have 3 small kids and they all seem to want to be lifted or on me while i sit. And it does hurt if you get elbowed!!! still nothing compared to a Csection. i milked it for about 1 week, let my husband do the laundry, give baths, ect...let him experiense a piece of what i do day in and day out.

be BRAVE!!! and good luck

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oh yeah another thing...when you are sitting down it helpt to put a pillow on your belly...cuz you dont want little hands, legs, bodies bumping into your incisions.My kids wanted to check my "booboo" every 10 mins and play doctor.

Walking is also good.

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thanks everyone!

I have two crazy boys and my worry is they love to climb all over me! With a 2 and 4 year old running around i have to recover quick!

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I havent had a C-section but I am sure a C-section would be much worse. I am 4 days post-op and still laying around. I walked around the grocery store yesterday and I was in pain last night. Hoping to feel much better soon. Still have some of the gas pain but nothing to bad. Good Luck!

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Explain that mommies tummy is tender now and that may help them to understand you will be sore there. But not for long. I had 2 C sections and LB is not that bad. You will be sore but it will pass. You will not be able to pick the kiddies up!!! Bending over may be a challenge as well. I was 100% in two weeks. You will need time to heal, take that time. Best wishes imaluckydog

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I was banded on Tuesday and the recovery has been much faster than my c-sections. The nurses kept telling me that I used much less pain meds than usual. My hospital used a pre-measured morphine button that I could just push when I needed (something I could have used for my c-sections lol) Maybe going thru pitocin without pain meds upped my tolerance? In any event, I have needed quick reflexes to keep my little one from jumping on me but after only 5 days I am already starting to feel normal at times. Good luck.

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Hey girl I dont know if you will read this you blogged this a few days back it looks like. I had three c-sections and a gall bladder removal. It was much easer than the four of those surgeries. Dont get me wrong. you do feel like you have been doing crunches for months. it is sore as heck but Disney Land compared to the Csections. I promise as long as you do what they tell you to do and dont over do, take your drugs and for the love of pete keep gas x on hand. it is your friend, you will do fine. Good luck and God bless

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