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Can't stop eating

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Since thurs i havn't stoped eating. I feel like i have eaten a house. Thank god i didn't gain anything but i havn't lost anything this week. I feel so guilty. I have never in the 9 months i have been banded let go i always track my calories and stay below 1200 calories. My husband told me i need to relax and just get back on track today which i am. He said that maybe why i was so hungry was that maybe my body just need an little extra this week. I don't feel hungry today so maybe he was right.

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Since thurs i havn't stoped eating. I feel like i have eaten a house. Thank god i didn't gain anything but i havn't lost anything this week. I feel so guilty. I have never in the 9 months i have been banded let go i always track my calories and stay below 1200 calories. My husband told me i need to relax and just get back on track today which i am. He said that maybe why i was so hungry was that maybe my body just need an little extra this week. I don't feel hungry today so maybe he was right.

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I've been banded 4 months. Lost 30 pounds in 3 weeks and then no loss for 2months. My body is adjusting to the weight loss and I've dropped 8 inches from my waist.

Lost another ten pounds over last 2 months but some weeks actully gained a bit. Probably muscle weight from the gym. I don't weigh myself much anymore. I go by how my clothes fit. I eat every 2-3 hours even if it's a protein bar. It helps

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