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Battle of the Pickle Chips!

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I am 1 month out from being banded and I have reached the point that some of you know so well. That point is hardly no restriction. I eat just little bits at a time trying to keep it under a cup of food at a time but I am hungry like an hour later. It's kind of like trying to diet before the band. I am in no way shape or form giving up I just need to vent. I do know that I am still eating less and healthier then before I was banded so thank God for that. Now for the reason this is called battle of the pickle chips. My favorite junk food is Krunchers Potato Chips Kosher Dill flavor. I loved them before and I still love them. My boyfriend God Bless his silly soul apparently thought since I made his favorite apple crisp for Valentines Day he should by me something that was my favorite. So now I'm staring at this beautiful bag of salty pickle flavored chips just waiting to dig right in. I'm serious the mere thought of them makes me drool. I had to pat him on the head and tell him good job baby or else I might never get his sad puppy face out of my head. I know he didn't buy them to sabotage me he honestly wouldn't even think of it, but really chips to a dying of hunger fat girl. Lets just give a lit match to a baby and say don't burn yourself. Anyway I'm gonna take the bag to work and leave it in the break room. Those vultures will eat anything. Well I hope all is going well with everyone and here I will leave you with a quote.


"A word to the wise ain't necessary - it's the stupid ones who need the advice." Bill Cosby

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I am 1 month out from being banded and I have reached the point that some of you know so well. That point is hardly no restriction. I eat just little bits at a time trying to keep it under a cup of food at a time but I am hungry like an hour later. It's kind of like trying to diet before the band. I am in no way shape or form giving up I just need to vent. I do know that I am still eating less and healthier then before I was banded so thank God for that. Now for the reason this is called battle of the pickle chips. My favorite junk food is Krunchers Potato Chips Kosher Dill flavor. I loved them before and I still love them. My boyfriend God Bless his silly soul apparently thought since I made his favorite apple crisp for Valentines Day he should by me something that was my favorite. So now I'm staring at this beautiful bag of salty pickle flavored chips just waiting to dig right in. I'm serious the mere thought of them makes me drool. I had to pat him on the head and tell him good job baby or else I might never get his sad puppy face out of my head. I know he didn't buy them to sabotage me he honestly wouldn't even think of it, but really chips to a dying of hunger fat girl. Lets just give a lit match to a baby and say don't burn yourself. Anyway I'm gonna take the bag to work and leave it in the break room. Those vultures will eat anything. Well I hope all is going well with everyone and here I will leave you with a quote.

"A word to the wise ain't necessary - it's the stupid ones who need the advice." Bill Cosby

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I dont have a lot of wisdom to share with you because I have only been banded for a little over a week. I have been told of this dreaded period after getting banded you speak of. After your healed and the swelling has gone down you feel no restriction! All I can say is try to eat filling foods and really test your ability to stick to a a healthy eating lifestyle! Thats my plan! Hopefully your getting a fill soon which should help!

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Eating right doesn't mean that you can't indulge yourself every once in a while or even every day. It's all about moderation.

Read the nutrition facts on the back of the package; determine how many chips will be 100-150 calories; count that many chips out of the bag; seal the bag and put it away until at least tomorrow; then sit and slowly enjoy the chips you took out.

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I did just that I counted out a serving size and savored every last one. I even licked my fingers heehee. And then I did take them to work and they were gone in like an hour. And I don't feel bad at all. It's not around to trigger my compulsive eating and I shared. Thanks everybody.

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