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Im a brand new BANDIT!!!!

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Good Morning World!!!

I'm now an official bandit!! YAY:) S o excited. Yesterday was my surgery and everything went well. I had a hiatal hernia which they fixed and also gave me two shots of moriphine... DANG..

All day yesterday i was battling nausia which was not fun But today i am feeling much better. Still loopy from all the codine but surviving.

I also met a wonderful woman who lives close to me who also had the surgery the same day. How cool A new Bandit Buddie:)

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Good Morning World!!!

I'm now an official bandit!! YAY:) S o excited. Yesterday was my surgery and everything went well. I had a hiatal hernia which they fixed and also gave me two shots of moriphine... DANG..

All day yesterday i was battling nausia which was not fun But today i am feeling much better. Still loopy from all the codine but surviving.

I also met a wonderful woman who lives close to me who also had the surgery the same day. How cool A new Bandit Buddie:)

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Congrats!!! I also had a hiatal hernia..the wonderfull thing is that after they fixed it i have had ZERO heartburn.

Good luck !!

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I too was banded 2/12/10 And am amazed how good I am doing so far. Pain wise. Food wise...all of it really.

Best of luck to you!

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