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feeling like a failure

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I am new to this site and sought it out to try to gain some support. I work at a facility that does lapband and had mine done Oct.1,2009. I have only lost about 10lbs since the surgery and and I know I should be greatful but I see so many others that have lost so much so quickly and I feel like such a failure. I know I am still getting hungry alot and seem to be able to eat to much. I am not sure if I am just eating because of stress or what. I see so many people who have dropped weight like crazy a coworker had her surg over a month after me and has lost 50lbs. I know this is my fault I don't excercise and seem to always choose the wrong foods so I need some support-any words of encouragement or ideas to help motivate-give more energy-anything. I would really appreciate it-thanks:frown:

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I am new to this site and sought it out to try to gain some support. I work at a facility that does lapband and had mine done Oct.1,2009. I have only lost about 10lbs since the surgery and and I know I should be greatful but I see so many others that have lost so much so quickly and I feel like such a failure. I know I am still getting hungry alot and seem to be able to eat to much. I am not sure if I am just eating because of stress or what. I see so many people who have dropped weight like crazy a coworker had her surg over a month after me and has lost 50lbs. I know this is my fault I don't excercise and seem to always choose the wrong foods so I need some support-any words of encouragement or ideas to help motivate-give more energy-anything. I would really appreciate it-thanks:frown:

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Sweetie, you just got to make those lifestyle changes. None of us want to, we were comfortable in our eating habits.

I think one of the things that helped me was my surgery was very, very painful for me. Whenever I start to pick up a candy bar or a bag of chips, I remember what it felt like and there is no way in HELL I am gonna do anything to cause me to have to go back into surgery.

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You are going to hear this over and over in this forum. The lapband is a tool. It's the truth. You must be willing to make the changes in your life to let your tool work.

You have to get right in the head to make this work. You can do it. I have faith in you!

Find things you love and are different, like belly dancing, water aerobics, zumba....etc. They are fun and you are dropping pounds!

It's all up to you. Enjoy the journey.

Why not go out on a limb? Isn't that where the fruit is?001_tongue.gif


Surgery Date: May 21, 2009

Starting Weight: 280lbs

Dr. Michael Metz - St. Luke's Hospital Denver, COthumbup1.gif

Follow my progress thru photos:


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Thank you both so much-I get so frustrated with myself and I know there is no magic band. I start out the day thinking this is it and then I get hungry and the things that seem to go down the best are the worst for me. Any suggestions on healthy things that slide down easy-haha? I know I need to exercise and excuses...excuses.. I work 13hr shifts and seem to have no energy on my days off. I live in a rural community and it seems all the classes are on my work days-any at home dvds that really make you want to exercise? I thank you both again and thats why I found this site-I need motivators and I appreciate all the help.

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You are not a failure and you cannot compare yourself to others. Some of us are great at losing weight fast and even better at packing it back on. We just aren't as loud about it while we are gaining.

Others don't lose fast and that makes them even more determined not to put it back on.

Working where they do lapband; I'm sure you see many that have gained weight since banding. If you have to compare yourself to someone, compare yourself to them.

You know what you are doing wrong, you don't have to change everything over night. Start parking a little further away from work. The extra walking is a start. Document everything you eat. That way you will know if you are eating too much or not and where you can trim a little out.

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I don't think you're a failure either. Listen to those around you at work that have lost a lot and see what they are doing that you are not. For one thing, you don't want even healthy food that is going to slide down easy. Maybe that is one of your problems. Slider foods will sabatoge your efforts. Good Luck and don't ever give up!

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Every single person loses weight at a different rate....use this forum to refocus, and get back on track. This is a journey, not a quick trip, and we have ALL had this surgery for a reason - because we needed to take back control of our bodies!

Keep a food diary (and be honest in it!) make take to exercise (even if you go up and down your stairs 20 times every day) and take back the control.

You can do this - and we are all here to help you!

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Thanks for all the input-I am going to do the steps at work that is a great idea. I seem to be able to eat larger amounts of foods than I should I don't go back for a fill for a few more weeks I think I will make an appt with the dietician then also. Thanks again for all the help.

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please get yourself to the gym. do some cardio. even 30 minutes a day and the weight will come tumbling off.

the excerise is a very important part of the regimine

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