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Metobolic problems?

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Ok Been feeling really dizzy latetly. Been having killer headaches to. Went to reg dr today and he told me that he feels that I may have a problem with my metoblic rate and that I may be getting migranes. Had a horrible headache the last two days worse I ever had and then today I feel like Im drunk,. Wierdest feeling in the world when your not . Has anyone else had these problems? Been banded since Oct 15 and havent lst for a bout 2 weeks now Wierd that this all started about the time I quit losing.... Help

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Ok Been feeling really dizzy latetly. Been having killer headaches to. Went to reg dr today and he told me that he feels that I may have a problem with my metoblic rate and that I may be getting migranes. Had a horrible headache the last two days worse I ever had and then today I feel like Im drunk,. Wierdest feeling in the world when your not . Has anyone else had these problems? Been banded since Oct 15 and havent lst for a bout 2 weeks now Wierd that this all started about the time I quit losing.... Help

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No I hve to go back in a week and then he wants to see how Im feeling, He did take me off my high blood pressre medicne but when I went that was normal with the medicine so ?>>>>>??? Not sure on that one. I have slight headache today. Dont feel like Im drunk though. Thanks for responding Ill keep u posted

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