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I'm an attention ho!

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So, I typically shy away from compliments...I'm that girl that always blows it off when someone says something nice about my looks. BUT!!! I'm discovering I love, love, LOVE it when people comment on my weight loss. I'm at 30 pounds since Dec. 3, I've officially retired 1 pair of work pants and am having issues with a couple others but when I look in the mirror I don't see that big of a difference but it must be starting to show. And, for like the first time ever, I love it when people comment on it, absolutely love it. And, it makes me want to behave and eat well and get more more more off!! I'm shooting for 15 more pounds before I break down and buy a few new things. By then it will be warming up a little (unless the weightloss fairy visits and magically makes me thin over night) and I'll be able to start getting stuff to make it through spring and summer. I am determined that nothing I wear this spring will fit me next winter so, darn the luck, I'll have to go buy more then too!

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So, I typically shy away from compliments...I'm that girl that always blows it off when someone says something nice about my looks. BUT!!! I'm discovering I love, love, LOVE it when people comment on my weight loss. I'm at 30 pounds since Dec. 3, I've officially retired 1 pair of work pants and am having issues with a couple others but when I look in the mirror I don't see that big of a difference but it must be starting to show. And, for like the first time ever, I love it when people comment on it, absolutely love it. And, it makes me want to behave and eat well and get more more more off!! I'm shooting for 15 more pounds before I break down and buy a few new things. By then it will be warming up a little (unless the weightloss fairy visits and magically makes me thin over night) and I'll be able to start getting stuff to make it through spring and summer. I am determined that nothing I wear this spring will fit me next winter so, darn the luck, I'll have to go buy more then too!

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You must look GREAT!!!! Best wishes and keep it up. Nothing fits me at all from when I started this journey. I really like shopping now. Have fun. imaluckydog

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I know how you feel I have lost 40 since pre-op diet 11/27/2009 and I know I am smaller I am down from 24's to 20&18's but when I look in the mirror I don't see it...the compliments are wonderful just wish I could get it in my head!!Keep up the good work it will catch up soon with our minds and we will see it also!!!!

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Congratulations and good for you! I feel you... I went yesterday and did my normal beauty stuff, mani, pedi, eyebrows, etc.. then because it was a special occassion I decided to have my friend who works at MAC do my makeup.. My other friend drug me to Lane Bryant and they were having an amazing sale (Got $300 worth of dresses for 26.00) and then we hit up the skinny chic shops for cheap accessories (the joy of skinny friends LOL) and once the look was put together... WOW you couldn't tell me NOTHING lol.. I had to check myself to make sure I was staying humble lol. The looks and compliments were coming but then the ultimate. I ran into my most recent exboyfriend...60lbs lighter, inches smaller, makeup done, hair done, lookin' fierce.. His eyes all but popped outta his head. LOL YAY ME! I love my life lol - so go head and accept those compliments and praises you deserve them and you better WORK IT! LOL

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