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I know I paid for them, BUT I don't know if I want a fill.

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I saw my doctor 4 weeks post op. I was ready for a fill. He saw from my chart that I had lost 20 ish pounds since the surgery. He asked how I was doing, and after about 3 minutes of conversation decided that I did not need a fill. He felt like I should save it as my weight loss was going fine.


He went on to let me know that this decision was one for quality of life. He did not want me miserable in an effort to speed up my weight loss.


He told me to lose another 15 pounds and then come back for a fill. That was 2 months ago. I am down another 27 ish pounds for a total of 47 ish pounds lost. ( I say ish because my weight fluctuates from one hour to the next)


47 pounds gone in 3 months. I think that is pretty good. I am happy with the 2 to 2 1/2 pounds loss per week.


The reason that I am hesistant about getting a fill is that I am still having food get stuck about 2 to 4 times per week.


Call me crazy, but I really don't like that "STUCK" business at all.


My concern, or fear, or whatever you want to call it is that if I get a fill my STUCK episodes will increase. I am a fan of losing weight, but I want to try to minimize the STUCK ness. Because getting STUCK really SUCKS.


SO, what do you think? For those of you who have been where I am, what do you suggest?


Does getting a fill = getting more stuck? OR does getting a fill = sweet spot = less stuck?



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I saw my doctor 4 weeks post op. I was ready for a fill. He saw from my chart that I had lost 20 ish pounds since the surgery. He asked how I was doing, and after about 3 minutes of conversation decided that I did not need a fill. He felt like I should save it as my weight loss was going fine.

He went on to let me know that this decision was one for quality of life. He did not want me miserable in an effort to speed up my weight loss.

He told me to lose another 15 pounds and then come back for a fill. That was 2 months ago. I am down another 27 ish pounds for a total of 47 ish pounds lost. ( I say ish because my weight fluctuates from one hour to the next)

47 pounds gone in 3 months. I think that is pretty good. I am happy with the 2 to 2 1/2 pounds loss per week.

The reason that I am hesistant about getting a fill is that I am still having food get stuck about 2 to 4 times per week.

Call me crazy, but I really don't like that "STUCK" business at all.

My concern, or fear, or whatever you want to call it is that if I get a fill my STUCK episodes will increase. I am a fan of losing weight, but I want to try to minimize the STUCK ness. Because getting STUCK really SUCKS.

SO, what do you think? For those of you who have been where I am, what do you suggest?

Does getting a fill = getting more stuck? OR does getting a fill = sweet spot = less stuck?


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You're doing so well right now I don't think I'd get a fill. You probably would get stuck more often and there would be more foods that you couldn't eat. I think as long as you are losing weight so well, there is no real reason to get a fill. Just my opinion

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I totally agree with this comment you have done so well without the fill and it is not always Necessary for fills depends on how the band was fitted initially..

Doctor seems to have done a Good job!

The Stuckness is being caused by the Food intake and consistency of the food try chopping it up more or having soup ansee the difference..

Also dont drink water when you eat your meal unless you try the ice trick where you sip the water that has melted in the glass. its all about the food going down slowly...

if you have a Fill this will restrict and make it worse..

You are doing fine if you are losing 2/2.5 a week and its steady.

Good Luck!

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Ok I have had three fills and I am as full as I ever want to be. If I eat too fast guess what happens? Yup it is not very fun. I feel pain and want to die. I must eat very slowly and chew, chew, chew to beat the band. I am holding at three fills for now and it seems I have been here for months. My next apt. is not until March 10 maybe by then I may need a fill. Wait they will be there for you when you need them. Do not rush a good thing and we all know this LB is a GOOD thing. I am very happy being full enough. Best wishes imaluckydog

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