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If your stalled, this is what worked for me.

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So for the past 2 1/2 weeks I was stalled and had been fighting with 2 pounds. I would lose it, then the next day it would be right back and I would have to lose it again. So frustrating. Then I noticed this horrifying thing...my eyebrows were thinning and falling out. WTF!!!


So I started thinking what I was doing before that I wasn't doing now. The answer was being deligent about my protein. I was naive in thinking I could get my protein through food without drinking my daily shake. I would drink it maybe every other day or every 3rd day. It was because I didn't want to use up the calories. Wanted to save them for food. So I re-read my nutritionist info and reminded myself I need to be getting about 75 grams of protein. That task is impossible unless all you eat is protein all day. So for the past week, I have skipped my regular breakfast and instead I do a 12 ounce protein shake (about 50 grams protein & 260 calories) in the morning. I eat normally the rest of the day. This way I can easily get the remaining 25 grams and even exceed my quota. I have been doing this for about a week now and weighed this morning...to my delight I am down 3 pounds!!!


All I can say is don't fight the process. We need our shakes. If you just start the day right, you don't have to worry the rest of the day. Your body NEEDS protein. So if your stalled, this might work for you too.

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So for the past 2 1/2 weeks I was stalled and had been fighting with 2 pounds. I would lose it, then the next day it would be right back and I would have to lose it again. So frustrating. Then I noticed this horrifying thing...my eyebrows were thinning and falling out. WTF!!!

So I started thinking what I was doing before that I wasn't doing now. The answer was being deligent about my protein. I was naive in thinking I could get my protein through food without drinking my daily shake. I would drink it maybe every other day or every 3rd day. It was because I didn't want to use up the calories. Wanted to save them for food. So I re-read my nutritionist info and reminded myself I need to be getting about 75 grams of protein. That task is impossible unless all you eat is protein all day. So for the past week, I have skipped my regular breakfast and instead I do a 12 ounce protein shake (about 50 grams protein & 260 calories) in the morning. I eat normally the rest of the day. This way I can easily get the remaining 25 grams and even exceed my quota. I have been doing this for about a week now and weighed this morning...to my delight I am down 3 pounds!!!

All I can say is don't fight the process. We need our shakes. If you just start the day right, you don't have to worry the rest of the day. Your body NEEDS protein. So if your stalled, this might work for you too.

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Thanks! I am going to give it a try. I have been stalled for 3 weeks now. I sure hope it works...it would be nice to start losing again.

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I did the same thing. This last Saturday I picked up some Lean Body low carb shake mixes. THey have 40 g of proteins. You are right, I have lost about 5 pounds this week. The shake holds me till lunch. If I am good and watch the quantity at lunch and dinner I am successful. I feel like I am on a row, and I have to give the credit to the shakes.

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Thanks very much. I have stalled for 3 weeks now and in going to getthe shacks first thing in the am.

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I use EAS Whey Protein - chocolate. You can buy it in a big bag at Sams Club. It is only 23 grams per scoop 6 0z. But I do 12oz, 2/3 water 1/3 skim milk. I hope it works for everyone!

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