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Crap!!! First Fill Postponed!

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I was just grocery shopping when my surgeon's office called to tell me they had to reschedule my appointment (first fill). I was supposed to have it on Friday (day after tomorrow) and now it will be next Wednesday, the 27th. I'm not really annoyed... I know stuff comes up. But, I was just so excited to get it done on Friday. I feel so deflated, figuratively and literally! :confused:


I had made a point of not planning anything for the weekend so it wouldn't be a problem to not eat for 72 hours. And, now I gotta cancel my volunteer day at my daughter's school on Wednesday. And, my mom friends were planning to play Bunko next Thursday night and maybe I should cancel that too. It might just be torture to go play Bunko if I can't eat or drink anything. :rolleyes:


OK, enough of my pity party. It is what it is. Bleeehghghghghghgh!!!

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I was just grocery shopping when my surgeon's office called to tell me they had to reschedule my appointment (first fill). I was supposed to have it on Friday (day after tomorrow) and now it will be next Wednesday, the 27th. I'm not really annoyed... I know stuff comes up. But, I was just so excited to get it done on Friday. I feel so deflated, figuratively and literally! :)

I had made a point of not planning anything for the weekend so it wouldn't be a problem to not eat for 72 hours. And, now I gotta cancel my volunteer day at my daughter's school on Wednesday. And, my mom friends were planning to play Bunko next Thursday night and maybe I should cancel that too. It might just be torture to go play Bunko if I can't eat or drink anything. :thumbdown:

OK, enough of my pity party. It is what it is. Bleeehghghghghghgh!!!

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I can feel your frustration and I'm not even banded yet. I'd be irritated, too, though. Nonetheless, everything happens for a reason.

For what it's worth, I would think you could still play bunko. You're there for the company, not the food. Take something to sip so that when you have the urge, you can sip some protein, or something. If it were me, I wouldn't let this interfere with what I wanted to be doing...

Course, the peeps I play bunko with are hard core. No time for snacking or munching while the game is going on. Once the game starts - that's it...

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You know.. on my instructions they didn't tell me to do a special diet at all... I did soup/liquid the first day and soft food the rest of the day (it was my excuse to eat ice cream) but I feel you on that. I had mine done and I want another one already... I have my next one Feb 8th... and I can't wait for it.

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My friends actually call it 'Drunko' so it really is more about drinking and eating than the game. I mean I know I could just go for the company, but I'm not sure. Its an adjustment for me to just have ONE drink and a little to eat... just not sure if I am ready to go to an event like this and have NOTHING. Then again, it seems like almost nobody has such a long liquids phase after a fill like my surgeon does. It would be about 34 hours after the fill so maybe I could experiment at least w/some bites of food.

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It's your first fill, I wouldn't experiment with eating anything. I used to go to Bunco a lot (I was a substitute) and half the time I didn't eat anything because I was on a diet. Go, have fun, sip on something all night, you'll have fun!

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OK, I am going to Bunko... the girls won't let me out of it. LOL All my friends know I'm banded and are supportive so at least I won't have anyone making a big deal about me not eating or drinking. It will be different to be there AND not be able to indulge, but its probably a good thing for me to get used to since I'm sure it won't be my last fill.

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Hi, Have fun sipping on a non-alcoholic approved beverage. So sorry your fill was delayed when you planned so well for it. Life happens. You'll get through this.

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