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Some things I may give up for good...

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In the post-op class I took w/others that got banded by my surgeon the same week, the dietician recommended that we give up some things for just the first month after banding. And, after giving them up, I'm thinking I may just be better off without them at all:


1) Red Meat and Pork

2) Caffeine

3) Artificial Sweeteners


The funny thing is that I really missed the red meat and pork the first week because I am so used to having these options when I plan my cooking for the week. But, now, I've found all sorts of chicken and turkey products, fish, and soy products I love. And, with my high cholesterol and other health issues, am thinking maybe I am better off to just not even try to eat red meat or pork again. I think most bandsters have trouble getting them down once they have proper restriction anyway so what is the point of reintroducing these just to end up taking them away again later I figure.


Now, w/the caffeine, there have certainly been DAYS when I would have LOVED to have a cup of coffee to get me going in the morning. But, overall, it feels great to have broken this addiction. I actually crave a big glass of water in the morning now.


And, the removal of artificial sweeteners has had the most amazing effect for me. The dietician claimed that artificial sweeteners make you crave more sugar and I really didn't believe her when she said that. But, much to my amazement, she was right! I used to crave sweets all the time and now I can take 'em or leave 'em quite easily. I've been using agave nectar instead which is a natural sweetener (similar calories to sugar), but much lower on the glycemic index (so good for my prediabetes). It feels weird to add 'calories' when I know I could just throw in some splenda for 'free', but I can't argue w/the results I am enjoying. No more sugar monster!


Anyway, I'm just so surprised that I'm even considering embracing these changes long-term when I had grumbled about them in the first place.


And, I'm trying to figure out how I will handle the lamb chop dinner my mother-in-law is planning a week after my first fill. I have already told her not to worry about me when she plans meals because... (1) I really don't eat much now and (2) I can always find something that works for me out of everything she makes. It seems like everyone worries about whether their menu will agree w/me now that I have lapband and I'm the only one who is NOT worried because I know that even if there is hardly anything I can eat, I don't need much anyway. :)


Oh, by the way, I am down 2 more pounds as of a couple days ago. Yay!!! :thumbup:

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In the post-op class I took w/others that got banded by my surgeon the same week, the dietician recommended that we give up some things for just the first month after banding. And, after giving them up, I'm thinking I may just be better off without them at all:

1) Red Meat and Pork

2) Caffeine

3) Artificial Sweeteners

The funny thing is that I really missed the red meat and pork the first week because I am so used to having these options when I plan my cooking for the week. But, now, I've found all sorts of chicken and turkey products, fish, and soy products I love. And, with my high cholesterol and other health issues, am thinking maybe I am better off to just not even try to eat red meat or pork again. I think most bandsters have trouble getting them down once they have proper restriction anyway so what is the point of reintroducing these just to end up taking them away again later I figure.

Now, w/the caffeine, there have certainly been DAYS when I would have LOVED to have a cup of coffee to get me going in the morning. But, overall, it feels great to have broken this addiction. I actually crave a big glass of water in the morning now.

And, the removal of artificial sweeteners has had the most amazing effect for me. The dietician claimed that artificial sweeteners make you crave more sugar and I really didn't believe her when she said that. But, much to my amazement, she was right! I used to crave sweets all the time and now I can take 'em or leave 'em quite easily. I've been using agave nectar instead which is a natural sweetener (similar calories to sugar), but much lower on the glycemic index (so good for my prediabetes). It feels weird to add 'calories' when I know I could just throw in some splenda for 'free', but I can't argue w/the results I am enjoying. No more sugar monster!

Anyway, I'm just so surprised that I'm even considering embracing these changes long-term when I had grumbled about them in the first place.

And, I'm trying to figure out how I will handle the lamb chop dinner my mother-in-law is planning a week after my first fill. I have already told her not to worry about me when she plans meals because... (1) I really don't eat much now and (2) I can always find something that works for me out of everything she makes. It seems like everyone worries about whether their menu will agree w/me now that I have lapband and I'm the only one who is NOT worried because I know that even if there is hardly anything I can eat, I don't need much anyway. :ohmy:

Oh, by the way, I am down 2 more pounds as of a couple days ago. Yay!!! :rolleyes:

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My nutricionist thinks it great i have added pork tenderloin and 93% grouned beef to my meal plans. since it is so lean and so high in protein. I would find it hard to give it up since i still have to cook full meals for my family.

I also gave up caffeine ( dieat coke)for the first 3 months. But i was noticing that everyday around 2pm i was feeling very tired and could fall asleep. So i decided to find a vitamin that supplied some caffeine. I break it in half and take half in the Am and half in the afternoon.

What are you eating to keep up with teh protein requirement?

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The funny thing is everyone says how hard it is to get protein in and I get 80-100 grams per day with no problem. My dietician only really requires 60-80, but I usually have that covered w/just breakfast and lunch and I don't even do protein shakes. Its all chicken, chicken/turkey products, ground turkey, beans, fage yogurt, eggs, cottage cheese, etc. Of course, I don't have a fill yet so its easier for me to get all this stuff in now than it might be after Friday (that's when I get my first fill).

For the record, though, I don't mean to say that pork or beef is bad in general. I've never given it a second thought before. But, I was diagnosed w/high cholesterol about six months ago and put on Crestor for it. I didn't bother trying to make any dietary changes at that point, but now that I've cut these things out and not really missing them, I'm thinking I may just be better off without them since they are sources of saturated fat. Even if low fat, the fat is still saturated fat. Trust me, I would never even give this a second thought, though, if I didn't already have high cholesterol and have to take ANOTHER pill for it.

I also used to love Diet Coke and Iced Coffees too. I've found I have to force myself to go to bed earlier now and get a good nights' sleep since I can't rely on caffeine. I also have to avoid wheat products because they make me tired.

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Red meat and me will never part, but I totally understand and agree with where you're coming from. I'm not sure how I lived without agave nectar before? I'm not sure how I lived without fage yogurt and healthy snacks before. I honestly am in awe EVERY day over how great I feel. I feel fantastic, and I"m SO glad you are too!

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Wow! I am learning things from you ladies. Where does one buy agave nectar( I am a Splenda queen)? Can you put it on oatmeal. Think I had fage yogurt once but can't remember the benefits of it other than it tasted great. I only have caffeine before I have to give a speech or something, although I do occasionally have the green tea, Yamamotoyama. Thanks for the info.

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