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I think maybe it is getting better

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Two weeks. I am still having substantial pain in my port incision. I think it is bruising and it is so tender...I am getting some energy back. I have just been amazed at how bad that I have felt since my surgery. I was not expecting it to be such a hard recovery. I have not gotten a fill yet but I am getting full quicker. I have also noticed some restriction with certain things so I forsee my first fill resulting in weight loss. I am excited and starting to feel better.

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Two weeks. I am still having substantial pain in my port incision. I think it is bruising and it is so tender...I am getting some energy back. I have just been amazed at how bad that I have felt since my surgery. I was not expecting it to be such a hard recovery. I have not gotten a fill yet but I am getting full quicker. I have also noticed some restriction with certain things so I forsee my first fill resulting in weight loss. I am excited and starting to feel better.

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You will feel better soon...I am 4 weeks out and still have tenderness at the port site it gets better...I will say my recovery seemed to drag on also...the hunger came back for me as well...I did get my first fill on Friday and will try some solid foods today, we'll see how that goes...good luck and hang in there

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My recovery was a lot longer than most and I had some bruising at my port site. I would say almost 4 weeks until I was feeling myself. To help with the hunger getting the protein is very key. It always helped me with physical hunger. Head hunger is emotional and that may require the use of a headband and power of positive thinking and wise choices about food. Best wishes imaluckydog

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Thanks for the encouragement..my port site is bruised which makes bending over unbearable. I don't get a fill until Feb 8th so hopefully it will be ready. I can't imagine getting stuck with a needle at this stage in the game. I am on mushy food right now and am kinda disappointed that I haven't lost any weight. This is a very trying time after surgery and up through the first fill....I hope it gets better.

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