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Your last paragraph almost made me cry.... I too have trouble accepting compliments about myself. I'm working on it tho...

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Strange- I didn't recognize you! NICE new Avatar...looking good girl (...nudge, nudge...compliments!). You do look GREAT!!! -BG

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I love your blogs. While we are at different stages you can put into words, very eloquently, I might add, what I'm thinking as well as what I anticipate looking forward to. Your blogs are inspiring and I, for one, appreciate the candor and straight-forwardness. Thank you for sharing this with us!

I look forward to developing my very own headband, I think the basic structure is/has been getting started. But I know I have lots of work ahead of me, too! Come on, bring it!

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I LOVE IT! The whole head-band work is just crucial. Like you, I've been up and down in weight so many times, every change feels like a very familiar, and temporary stage. Your blog reminds me to enjoy this weight, and start to know in my heart that it'll be the last time I see it - so thanks!!

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It's funny you should write this today. Not an hour ago my sister told me that I always talk negatively about myself. I hadn't even realized I was doing that. I do know that I have a problem with guilt and food. Now that I have the band and do not feel hungry all the time, I feel guilty almost every night and catch myself running that loop through my brain that is telling me I have been bad and eaten too much. I have NOT eaten too much but feel like I must have because I am not hungry. I have been aware of this for a while now and am working on it, I just hadn't realized how negatively I talked about myself. 55 years of bad habits don't work themselves out overnight I guess. Anyway, once again you have hit the nail on the head, thank you!

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I have many head bands of which you speak. The one that fits me the best is the one I wear with my head held high and proud that I made this decision to have the LB done. The best choice I have ever made for myself. I read your blog last night you always make my day. I always read something that is true to my own journey and real about our new life situation. Thanks BG for sharing. I am ready to face a new day with healthy choices and new and exciting activities for me to engage in. I feel so much better. The LB and Head band has saved my life. Life is Good. Best wishes to all. imaluckydog

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Wow my friend, you have (again) given me much to think about. Like your DH, mine loves me no matter what weight I am at. Why can we not love ourselves in that manner?

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This was one of the best blogs ever! I am going back to read it again and hopefully apply it to myself...D

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