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1/7/10 I'm Sick Of Shoveling Snow...

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11 out of the past 12 days...snow.

4 more inches tonight...4 more tomorrow.

Please send sunshine!


That is all.





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Send some this way (New Mexico)! It's been cold (mid 30-40 degrees and the teens at night), but no snow... (sob)

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I like your photos! What is your source? We may get some snow flurries in Florida by the weekend! It is raining here now and warming things up tonight and then dip back down all day tomorrow!

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Some Pray for Snow!!!

I went with our Ski Team Skiing last night I did well. I am Livin' the DREAM Cold but so much FUN. Your pictures always make me SMILE. Some Pray for SNOW.....THANK YOU imaluckydog

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I'm sending snow to all of you! All the schools are closed here (and Pittsburgh has LOTS of snow-plows so this rarely happens). We shoveled twice last night and there's now several inches waiting for me this morning...and it's still coming down...4-6" expected today. Can I count shoveling as an aerobic exercise?

DS1 is an hour away in the mountains for a 2 day ski trip...I'm wondering if they're going to get home today (have to get him back to college this weekend)!


janet- all internet pics, I just do a search

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That's a lot of snow. I'll gladly take some off your hands. I'd send sunshine but we don't have much here - cloudy enough to say it's partially sunny - but I think it qualifies more as barely partially sunny...

We have a chance of snow flurries this afternoon...but I don't it will appear where I am - at work or at home...

And yes, I think shoveling counts as exercise and then some. Aerobic AND anaerobic...

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