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Letter to My Mom

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My mom just joined lapbandtalk.com. She is 'Kakaako Joan' and got the lapband two years ago and has lost over 100 pounds. We actually have the same 'bandiversary' (12/17), but mine is just two years later. And, that was all just a crazy coincidence because I certainly did not choose my surgery date. I had to go through two appeals w/Aetna and when I was finally approved, I hounded my surgeon's office until they would give me a date. :thumbup:


Anyway, I was writing my mom an e-mail tonight and realized that I should've just posted this all to my blog here so I could update you all who I am sure are all on the edge of your seats waiting for an update. So, here it is...


My weightloss has slowed down. I'm holding steady at 11 pounds lost right now (18 if you count what I lost from my highest weight), but if that's all I lose until my fill, I am happy w/that. Its more than I could lose doing anything else for one month.


I have no restriction at all now that the swelling has gone down. I get my first fill on 1/22. In the meantime, I'm just following the band rules as best I can, trying to stick to only three meals a day, no desserts, very limited starch, lots of protein, and walking on the treadmill 30 minutes/day. But, its kinda like being on WW right now cause I'm hungry in between meals. I just try to distract myself or eat protein for a snack if I get really hungry. Can't wait to get a fill and get this band working for me!


I am very happy that I've healed up so well now, though. I feel like I could do Jazzercise already, but will wait to get the OK from my doctor at my next appointment since they said absolutely nothing but walking for the first month. My stomach muscles are all healed, though. No pain and I can even sleep on my port side.

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My mom just joined lapbandtalk.com. She is 'Kakaako Joan' and got the lapband two years ago and has lost over 100 pounds. We actually have the same 'bandiversary' (12/17), but mine is just two years later. And, that was all just a crazy coincidence because I certainly did not choose my surgery date. I had to go through two appeals w/Aetna and when I was finally approved, I hounded my surgeon's office until they would give me a date. :)

Anyway, I was writing my mom an e-mail tonight and realized that I should've just posted this all to my blog here so I could update you all who I am sure are all on the edge of your seats waiting for an update. So, here it is...

My weightloss has slowed down. I'm holding steady at 11 pounds lost right now (18 if you count what I lost from my highest weight), but if that's all I lose until my fill, I am happy w/that. Its more than I could lose doing anything else for one month.

I have no restriction at all now that the swelling has gone down. I get my first fill on 1/22. In the meantime, I'm just following the band rules as best I can, trying to stick to only three meals a day, no desserts, very limited starch, lots of protein, and walking on the treadmill 30 minutes/day. But, its kinda like being on WW right now cause I'm hungry in between meals. I just try to distract myself or eat protein for a snack if I get really hungry. Can't wait to get a fill and get this band working for me!

I am very happy that I've healed up so well now, though. I feel like I could do Jazzercise already, but will wait to get the OK from my doctor at my next appointment since they said absolutely nothing but walking for the first month. My stomach muscles are all healed, though. No pain and I can even sleep on my port side.

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I'm stuck at my 42lbs right now too, I was just on the phone telling my mom this before I read your post. 42lbs including pre-op. But I'm in the 200's which is a number i haven't seen in a long time except for 2006... most of 2006 I was in the 200's then that cruise did me in and the scale has been climbing since. But I'm in the 200's and for me is a BIG deal, not as big a deal as the 100's will be but still a huge deal!

I have noticed that my restriction is becoming less. I have 3 cc's in my band currently (put in day of surgery) but I still get very full, off of not much at all. 2 scrambled eggs or 1 packet of oatmeal still sustains me.

Still on the protein shakes, still coming up with crazy new recipes for them like my "apple pie" one I made last night. But regardless of what I eat, I'm at that 42lbs mark, but my dr says it's right on track because that means I'm losing about 2lbs a week now which is what I'm supposed to be losing.

Welcome to your mom, my mom will be on here soon as she's now considering the lapband (yay!).

I took my steri-strips off today and I have almost NO scaring. Dr. Nirmul did a good job. the 3 small incisions are invisible, 1 is completely invisible, I'm not even sure they cut there, the one under my breasts is almost invisible and the one on my right side looks like a small healing cat scratch. The port incision is healing nicely and is pink, but will heal quite nicely. I'm very pleased.

Excuse me while I cut and paste the bulk of this into a blog entry of my own lol..

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Congrats to you!!!!! The first few weeks after surgery are the hardest. Even after your first fill, sometimes the restriction still isnt there. I had my surgery on Oct 13th, and have lost almost 35 lbs!! In the beginning I had great restriction, and actually thought my brain that tells me i want all that junk, was turned off.....thats the HONEYMOON stage!!! Right now you are kinda in BANDSTER HELL!!!! you have a new lap-band probably with nothing in it yet, and now its just time to stay motivated and on track!! you can do it.....I have actually only had one 2cc fill and don;t feel ANY restriction now.....but I stay motivated and just keep remembering that there is a light at the end of this tunnel!!!!

Happy to hear you are healing and more comfortable!! It gets sooooo much better, and when you start to see the difference with your weight loss, you feel soooooo much better!! Happy new year....Happy new you!!! godd luck!!

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