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There is "HOPE"

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I really don't know why, but I find so much comfort expressing my thoughts and feelings about my weight issues in my blogs. Being able to write these blogs are a emotional release for me. I am so excited because I called the local Doc in Valdosta just for info, and I found out that he do except my husband's insurance. All of my information was taken over the phone & I faxed a front/back copy of the insurance card to prevent any info errors. Ronda @ Dr. McCown's office will get back with me no later than Friday to let me know the overall status is going. Whatever that may be. I really want to get the band in Valdosta.


I guess my kids play a large role in me not wanting to be out of town. Being out of town for any type of medical procedures brings back bad/neg memories of me lossing my son. That's one more emotional part of my life I have to deal with.


It still give me a lot of hope that Dr. McCown will be able to do my band. My husband is very supportive of me getting the band, because he would like to see the old me from years pasted on.


However, my mothere really do not believe in any type of medical procedure to aid in weight lost. Actually my mother would benefit more than anyone if she would agree to being banded. She has not gotten on the scale in years, but I believe she is way over 400+ pounds. I look at my mother and I do not want that to become me in the future. I want to be able to live a active moble life without the limitations my mother has.


My mother is one of the biggest reasons I want to be banded. I feel that my family deserves to have all of me for a very long time. Overweight runs in my family and everyone accepts it as apart of their life. I now know that being over weight does not have to be apart of my life.


I know things are going to work out for my good one way or another. I do know there is Hope!

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I really don't know why, but I find so much comfort expressing my thoughts and feelings about my weight issues in my blogs. Being able to write these blogs are a emotional release for me. I am so excited because I called the local Doc in Valdosta just for info, and I found out that he do except my husband's insurance. All of my information was taken over the phone & I faxed a front/back copy of the insurance card to prevent any info errors. Ronda @ Dr. McCown's office will get back with me no later than Friday to let me know the overall status is going. Whatever that may be. I really want to get the band in Valdosta.

I guess my kids play a large role in me not wanting to be out of town. Being out of town for any type of medical procedures brings back bad/neg memories of me lossing my son. That's one more emotional part of my life I have to deal with.

It still give me a lot of hope that Dr. McCown will be able to do my band. My husband is very supportive of me getting the band, because he would like to see the old me from years pasted on.

However, my mothere really do not believe in any type of medical procedure to aid in weight lost. Actually my mother would benefit more than anyone if she would agree to being banded. She has not gotten on the scale in years, but I believe she is way over 400+ pounds. I look at my mother and I do not want that to become me in the future. I want to be able to live a active moble life without the limitations my mother has.

My mother is one of the biggest reasons I want to be banded. I feel that my family deserves to have all of me for a very long time. Overweight runs in my family and everyone accepts it as apart of their life. I now know that being over weight does not have to be apart of my life.

I know things are going to work out for my good one way or another. I do know there is Hope!

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Like you, my family has been overweight much of my life. My mom died at the age of 39, not from obesity, as she lost her weight years before dying, however, she died from a brain aneuryism. My mom's mother, was extremely obese, and as a child, I can remember my mom making fun of her and not allowing her in our home because she was afraid she was a bad influence on us as kids. Sadly, my grandma died of obesity related causes. Like you, I know that being overweight does not have to be apart of my family now either.

There is certainly hope, and I know that you will be a success at whatever you set out to accomplish.

Good luck to you and your weight loss goals!


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I really do appreciate your encouraging words. My faith is sometimes the only things that keeps me focused on the brighter things in my life. My four year old sone is a big reason for me wanting to get banded. He is currently over weight for his age, and I really don't want to see my son grow up with the same issues I dealt with in my childhood. He is smart and full of life, but weight is a concern. I want to be the example for good choices and healthier foods to eat. He really enjoys all types of good food, but her really like to eat too much of anything.

I want my son to see Mom loss the excessive pounds and understand how important it is not to over eat. I am so excited to see things finally becoming a reality for me.

Again, thanks.


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