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Pre-Op Diet

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Hi All,

I am 9 days away from surgery and just started the liquid protein diet. :rolleyes: I am starving! Or at least I feel that way.


Does anyone have wisdom to share about surviving the liquid diet, pre or post op? I'd appreciate it. I am on 70 grams of protein daily from protein shakes. I can only have clear liquids aside from the shakes. Trader Joe's has a good selection, though, if you have one near you.


Any advice? Thanks -

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Hi All,

I am 9 days away from surgery and just started the liquid protein diet. :) I am starving! Or at least I feel that way.

Does anyone have wisdom to share about surviving the liquid diet, pre or post op? I'd appreciate it. I am on 70 grams of protein daily from protein shakes. I can only have clear liquids aside from the shakes. Trader Joe's has a good selection, though, if you have one near you.

Any advice? Thanks -

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I feel your pain i started my pre op liquid diet yesterday and it was hell. i hope thts the worst of days to come but together we can be strong because we both know better days are coming. i am having my band on the 12th. We can make it.

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Just remember your goal....think of this as a really good kick start to your weight loss. I'm on day 8 of my 14 day pre-op. After day 4 it just gets easier or I've gotten used to this empty hungry feeling. Its only a short time!!!! you can do it

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Hang in there. You can do it. I was on a 7 day pre-op diet and the first 2 days were the worst. Keep yourself busy and it helped me to keep people I knew and trusted around me. Makes it less tempting to cheat if you know they will see you and call you on it. I ended up losing 12.5 lbs that week. You can do it!

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Thanks, everyone, for your encouragement. It does get easier but I definitely could not survive this for an extended amount of time. I'm looking forward to a smaller stomach so mine will stop growling! :thumbup: Oh...and I've lost 10 lbs so far. I hope my liver has shrunk too.

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