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1/4/10 Holiday Facts

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- The kids all had a great holiday…they are enjoying their favorite gifts; DD- all the new clothes, shoes, and beauty items; DS1- his new (used) desk and new comfy office chair (which he vows to somehow fit into the minivan to go back to school with him); and DS2- his new acoustic (w/electric) guitar. Mostly, they’ve enjoyed spending quality time together.



- I wish I could say there was no holiday drama, but it always finds a way in. This time it was a boyfriend/break-up right before Christmas (poor timing). I’ll just say that DD is doing alright and was out with friends a lot over the holidays. She got inspired to clean out her bedroom (most of her stuff from college was jammed into her room on a shelving unit and in boxes, and under her on-lifts bed)…so we all pitched in and helped her take everything she doesn’t need out to the ‘clubhouse’ in the back yard for storage. She took off the bed lifts, bought some shoe storage boxes for under the bed and she’s almost done cleaning up. A ’fresh start’ is a good thing sometimes.


- On a lighter note, DS1 has a new girl he met at college (not sure if she's an official 'GF' or not) …they have been back and forth the hour drive several times already and he’s off to see her again today.


- Mom’s birthday was yesterday…I miss her, but am thankful Mom and Dad were able to visit us just before Christmas.


- DH and I, although we missed seeing both our extended families, enjoyed our first holiday season without any travel. It was much more relaxing/non-stressful and provided many quality moments with the family. The kids have really appreciated it as they’ve been able to see/spend time with their friends as well (I can’t tell you how many times I was giving thanks, w/all the boyfriend/girlfriend issues that we were home). DS1 was also able to work (restaurant) over the holidays for some extra cash for school.


- We took the kids last night to see Avatar and then out to dinner to celebrate our ‘last moment of the holiday’. I had a wonderful ‘moment’ watching them ‘plan’ on what order they were going to sit together at the theater (it’s nice to see that even as they get older they enjoy each other’s company). Great 3-D movie BTW…and for those of you that get sick watching IMAX or 3-D movies (I can’t even watch the ones at Epcot without feeling sick) I had no problems at all. It's a stunningly beautiful must-see movie.




- Everyone (except DS1, who has another week home from college) is now back to work/school…depressing……..for them ;-)


- Most of the holiday decorations are already down (I hate that job) and I’ve got a dining room table full of ornaments to finish packing up today…depressing………for me ;-)

* Oh, and Kay...I'm sorry I forgot to post the kitchen tool tree pic, but I remembered yesterday when I was packing it up. Attached are a few pics of the little tree and a pic of my red handled kitchen tools (now you all know I'm clinically insane...my family calls this part of my 'rust' collection).


- From 12/18 until today (the past 2.5 weeks), I’ve lost 3 pounds…it still continues to amaze me (losing weight over the holidays). I’m at 170.5, so (as Xavier would say) I’m headed back to the 60’s (yes, I remember the 60’s…I was a child, but I remember LOL).


- I bought a size 12 pair of pants this weekend…yes, I can barely button them, but the 14’s were a little too roomy. I’ve got them hanging up in my closet ‘front and center‘ (in front of my shelves) as my next goal (size 24 to a 12!). I also bought a piece of ‘shape wear’ for the first time, but more about that later.



Hope you all had a wonderful holiday season full of time with your families! As I sit here and listen to the ‘Today Show’ with segment after segment about weight loss (ahh…January), I’m headed into this New Year with renewed hope that as much as last year was all about my weight, sometime this year…it won’t be.

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Hello! I just have to tell you that i LOVE LOVE your little tree and all of your vintage utinsels our family here in sunny az are also clinically insane when it comes to vintage kitchen Stuff!!! So know you are not alone!

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Love, Love, Love your kitchen tools!! I collect old things like that, also!! Some one asked me if they needed a tetanuse shot before they came over! LOL In one of your other pics, did you have some old wooden thread spools on a table? I have some of those too. Things that I hated to use when I was a kid is, basically, what I collect now! Go figure!! LOL

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Ok, so I have to ask, what is the name of the plant you have in the doorway? I know, odd question. But when we moved into this rental here in Florida, the house came with one! It gets these great flowers on it that smell wonderful. But I have no clue as to what the plant/tree/shrub thingy is!! HELP ME MY FRIEND! btw, it can hurt too! Thorns from hell!

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Yes, collecting rust is a documented illness...I'm glad to see that others have caught this highly contagious virus as well (and I always make sure my tetnus shot is up-to-date)! Doodle- sent you a VM about the spools.

Plants: These are DH's cacti that live on my patio when it's warm...the two (center single stem, and a double stem on the left) are Madagascar Palms (not really a palm-PACHYPODIUM LAMERII). I call the one in the middle 'Phallic Symbol' and I keep trying to kill it, but it won't die LOL. By Spring it won't have a leaf left on it, but after spending a week outside it always comes back to life- d*mn thing (DH gets such a kick out of this). I'm guessing you have a 'Crown of thorns' they get lots of small flowers that are pink, red, or yellow and they usually have lots of stems. The one on the right with lots of angled (three sided) stems gets small leaves as well, but I can't remember its name. DH bought them all since we moved here and they were in tiny 3" pots and less than 6" tall (so within the last 10 years)...so be wary, they grow fast (probably faster in a warmer climate! Each year someone gets stabbed moving them in and out of the house as you can see they're now taller than the patio door...I don't know what he's going to do when they hit the 9' ceiling! ...and yes, I hung those ornaments from them LOL.


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Well the one we inherited is definitely the Madagascar Palm. It stands about 7 to 8 feet tall. Its bald right now, no leaves, thought I had killed it. But I guess not since you said yours comes back. The flowers we get are white. It has bloomed twice in six months. I am not taking it with us if and when we move!

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Yeah, those phallic symbols must go through a dormant stage even in warm weather. Now I'm bummed that yours blooms!!! -BG

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