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I cant thank you enough for what you wrote...It was just what i needed...and how I am gonna try to go thru this journey.

THanks again

love leah

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Great post! I am only about 2 weeks out and feel these same challenges you talk about here. For me, moderation is the biggest challenge of all. I am great at all or nothing. Today, I agonized about two cookies. I wanted them, but debated and debated on if I 'should' have them. If I was on WW, I would calculate the points and then starve myself for the rest of the day. Or, eat some low point crap that wouldn't really satisfy me. I decided to have the two cookies. :->

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I'm so glad there are others approaching this the same way! Here's to NO MORE diets! Happy New Year...it's going to be a great one for us all!! -BG

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Love this post! I learned after my little casino trip, I can eat like normal people and still lose weight. Your right, I don't have to diet ALL the time. I don't have to deprive myself ALL the time.

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This is exactly my approach. I have my band looser than most people. I can eat most any food I want, and I do. I just eat less of it. I did not get banded to starve or drink protein drinks for the rest of my life.

I followed your blogs at the beginning and then for some dumb reason, stopped reading. What was I thinking?! You are one smart cookie!!!

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I know this post is a few months old, but I feel that God led me to it today! I was just trying to explain to all my co workers that were questioning the band-----what are you allowed to have, do you have to drink protein shakes for life? etc etc ....I told them, I can have anything I want within reason, only smaller amounts and protein first. But they made me doubt myself.....Your post brought me back to why "I" had the band.....it says it all. Thank you so much! Peggy

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