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Pre-Made Post-Op Menus!

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Please tell me what you think of this idea! Would any of you be interested in having a site that had a pre made menu for 1 week at a time with a shopping list, geared right at Lap Band Menu's? I know they give us ideas of what to eat, but for me I want a menu that has it all spelled out for me. Iam not a nutritionist, but would take the time to gather all the info and put it together for those of us trying to use the Lap Band to it's fullest. Please be honest and let me know what you think! Thanks:thumbdown::tt2:

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Please tell me what you think of this idea! Would any of you be interested in having a site that had a pre made menu for 1 week at a time with a shopping list, geared right at Lap Band Menu's? I know they give us ideas of what to eat, but for me I want a menu that has it all spelled out for me. Iam not a nutritionist, but would take the time to gather all the info and put it together for those of us trying to use the Lap Band to it's fullest. Please be honest and let me know what you think! Thanks:thumbdown::Dancing_wub:

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The upside of this is that it would make it easy for those who don't take the time to research this on their own (the majority of people getting banded it seems) and the downside is that we're all different, some can eat bread, some can't. Some can eat redmeat, some can't etc... So without taking individual tastes and concerns into account, "premade menus" can give a basic idea and premise as to what proper eating is. Personally not something I would be interested in or willing to pay for (not to say you were planning on charging) as the information is readily available if people were to look for themselves. Besides for me the fun of this is figuring out how to convert my favorite recipes into healthy band friendly ones and figuring out new and great ways to prepare things like protein shakes, etc...

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i like the idea of reciepes and i do agree that a premade menu would be difficult to please but if maybe we could drag reciepes and put them in a list then print that...of course the reciepes would have a list of ingreadients so you would know what you needed to buy a great wy to try new things!

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