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So I am just about finished with my first week of the two week pre-op liquid diet. I am finding myself so depressed. I don't know if it has to do with the lack of food, the fact that I wasn't with my family over the holidays, or a combination of both. As I am getting closer to my surgery on 1/4; I am becoming increasingly nervous that I am not making the right decision. My husband is not easy to talk to about this. He wants me to lose weight but I don't believe he thinks this is the right decision. So to tell him I am having second thoughts I know what help because he will say your the one who wanted this surgery.


Am I the only one who is feeling depressed on this diet? I am generally a very upbeat and happy person. So I don't know what to do about this mood.

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So I am just about finished with my first week of the two week pre-op liquid diet. I am finding myself so depressed. I don't know if it has to do with the lack of food, the fact that I wasn't with my family over the holidays, or a combination of both. As I am getting closer to my surgery on 1/4; I am becoming increasingly nervous that I am not making the right decision. My husband is not easy to talk to about this. He wants me to lose weight but I don't believe he thinks this is the right decision. So to tell him I am having second thoughts I know what help because he will say your the one who wanted this surgery.

Am I the only one who is feeling depressed on this diet? I am generally a very upbeat and happy person. So I don't know what to do about this mood.

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Your husband is just afraid for you and worried about the surgery as mine was. But baby welcome to the rest of your life. This is your body, your choice and sometimes know one understands you.. I am post op 2yrs in Feb I have lost 200lbs and luv it. My family now realized I did this for me and to be here for them, I can run, play out last anyone of them now.. I feel sexy and confident and enjoy my life. I also after surgery moved to Vegas where I have found a home working with a Bariatric Surgeon so we have learned from each other.. You biggest fear is I have failed at everything else what if I fail at this.. You wont. We are here to help and support you in anyway possible. Stick to the shakes I can email you some great recepies that I had to come up with because you get tired of them. I still continue to use my shakes every so often. You need to put your self before you family this time so they will be able to enjoy you longer. Hopefully give them a run for their money.. I am so happy for you.. Good luck hope so see you in the post op period email me any time and if you want my number to call let me know.

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I felt the very same way and I finally came to the conclusion that this was just a natural response to a major change. My husband too does not agree with my decision to do this and I just had to make the decision to do this for myself...for my children. My surgery is tomorrow and I know that this is the best decision of my life. Hang in there!! You will be soooo happy that you did. Visit this site often...I have found so much support on here. You will be starting the New Year with the most amazing beneficial decision of your entire life..

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Thank you LadyKron4 & Stoney0282 for your kind words and encourgement. I think my husband knew I was having a hard time so he made me get of the house for a few hours and that helped alot. I know that this is something I have to do for myself and maybe down the road he will understand more. In the meantime it a bit lonely without anyone to talk to about this. I do spend alot of time on this sight because it does help!!!!

Great luck to both of you and again thanks for the encourgement.

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