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OK so last I wrote I forgot to say that I lost 12.5 inches... I have not measured again yet. I have not been well and have spent some time in the hospital. I have a infection, but I am on many antibiotics and feel much better, but I have to go back to the hospital tomarrow. So no exersize for me, and hubby doesnt believe in no salt, fat free cooking!!! LOL SOOOOOOOOO I have no idea of where I am. But I will try to wiegh tomarrow.

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OK so last I wrote I forgot to say that I lost 12.5 inches... I have not measured again yet. I have not been well and have spent some time in the hospital. I have a infection, but I am on many antibiotics and feel much better, but I have to go back to the hospital tomarrow. So no exersize for me, and hubby doesnt believe in no salt, fat free cooking!!! LOL SOOOOOOOOO I have no idea of where I am. But I will try to wiegh tomarrow.

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Guest MoOrLess


Hey girl - I wondered where you were....I'm so glad to hear you are feeling bettter - so sorry about the hospital stay and infection...........hang in there - this too shall pass....HUGS! (was the infection at all related to the band?) just wondered.....

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I'm gald you are back. MoOrLess her band is wrapped around her brain shhhhh. She is going to get one in the future. shhhhhh

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