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Thinking about major changes

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There are so many things that I am doing so wrong right now when it comes to the way I eat and the way I don't exercise. I know that in the very near future my life will change in many ways. I will no longer be able to be carefree and gluttonous when it comes to good food. I will have to eat certain things and not eat like everyone else does. This will result in my loosing lots of weight and I will be healthy. It is just that I got a really awesome Kitchen Aid stand mixer for Christmas and now I wont be able to use it. :cursing: OK I will be able to use it but I will not be able to lick the frosting from the bowl or eat the chocolate chip cookies that I just baked. Don't get me wrong this is a good thing because normally would eat the whole dozen chocolate chip cookies in one night. I love to cook. I don't know if it is because I like to eat what I cook or is it because it is artistic and I like pleasing other people. I think it is a little of both. So I cant eat the cookie dough when I am making the cookies any more. Maybe I should stuff tissues up my nose when I am making cookies for holidays :scared2: or not. Things will just have to change. I have to realize that this is not the end of the world. Food is not the most important thing in the world. I need to eat to live not live to eat.

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There are so many things that I am doing so wrong right now when it comes to the way I eat and the way I don't exercise. I know that in the very near future my life will change in many ways. I will no longer be able to be carefree and gluttonous when it comes to good food. I will have to eat certain things and not eat like everyone else does. This will result in my loosing lots of weight and I will be healthy. It is just that I got a really awesome Kitchen Aid stand mixer for Christmas and now I wont be able to use it. :) OK I will be able to use it but I will not be able to lick the frosting from the bowl or eat the chocolate chip cookies that I just baked. Don't get me wrong this is a good thing because normally would eat the whole dozen chocolate chip cookies in one night. I love to cook. I don't know if it is because I like to eat what I cook or is it because it is artistic and I like pleasing other people. I think it is a little of both. So I cant eat the cookie dough when I am making the cookies any more. Maybe I should stuff tissues up my nose when I am making cookies for holidays :thumbup: or not. Things will just have to change. I have to realize that this is not the end of the world. Food is not the most important thing in the world. I need to eat to live not live to eat.

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I can relate. I am going on the 13 for my first doctor appointment, but my mind keeps telling me you don't want to do this what will you do without your friend "food", whatever kind of food I want that would mean, but I know for my health and family I have to make this change-ugh! Hang in there you are not alone.

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Trust me you will get over it. I now bake and cook freely and the family experience so much more and eat sensibly because i can no longer eat the whole lot. Today I made a dozen mince pies, that s enough for my lil family for a few days, before i would of made 5, 6 dozen cos i would eat them all, now i dont. This is a stress free xmas for us, because my best friend food isn't running the show I AM>



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But, you will be able to lick a spoonful of frosting from the bowl (just not the whole bowl) and eat a cookie (just not a dozen) and you will savor it more. Also, one thing that the psychologist said to me when I went in for my eval that really stuck w/me... I told him that when I was on diets before that I felt like I was I damper on everyone else's fun. For example, my husband would want to take me and the kids out for ice cream and I would either find an excuse not to go or sit there and not have any. And, then I would resent the diet for making me 'not fun'. He said he wasn't concerned about that at all because I will start doing new fun things (active things) w/my family that they will probably appreciate even more. That got me thinking about all the active things they do (or that my husband would like to do) that I don't participate in because it just seems like 'work' at this weight. Sooooo, I am rambling, but I think you will find things you love to do even more than lick frosting or eat cookie dough from your kitchenaid. Are there any activities that you used to like when you didn't weigh as much that you just don't do anymore... riding a bike, hiking, gardening, dancing? Every time you think about how hard it will be to change your eating habits, try to think of the new things you'll be able to do once the weight starts coming off. :->

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You will be a new kind of carefree when it comes to food. But you are right, you won't be gluttonous any longer - and really, is that a bad thing?

Why can't you eat like everyone else does? Now you will eat what everyone else does...and the same amounts, too.

While you are in the weightloss phase you may have a harder time with certain foods - like rice or breads. But when you get to maintenance phase it is most likely (from what I've been told) that you will be able to eat everything - just a whole lot less of it! Like adagray said, you will savor that cookie even more because you will only want one.

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Those of us that find food to be comforting tend to go through this mourning period for our dearly departed or soon to be. Like the ladies above me stated, you're not going to miss out, you're just not going to be able to eat as much and that's the point.

I LOVE to cook and I KNOW how you feel about that kitchenaid it's like the master cook's dream gift.. But as you get off of your post-op diet and move into regular foods you'll be able to still bake and eat the things you create, just not as much.

And there's also a new culinary realm for you to explore which I am so looking forward to in a few weeks, Gluten-free foods. They have gluten-free everything, pizza, breads, brownies, cookies, etc... and then the fun of changing up recipes and perfecting them using healthier ingredients like 100% whole wheat unbleached flour instead of the standard not good for us and makes us fat bleached flour.

I'm excited about the culinary possibilities. Then again I've even made protein shakes fun...

You'll still be able to go out for that steak dinner, you just won't be able to eat the whole steak, so maybe you order the 6oz sirloin instead of the 18oz ribeye.. See what I mean?

It's all about looking at this in the positive and acting on it. You love to cook, enjoy the process and come up with some new healthy recipes for you that are so delicious your family loves them too.

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Its about moderation I still eat cookie dough but its only a taste and the size of a baby spoon just enough to satisfiy my taste and move forward dont make the food your enemy experiment with Splenda Surgar I will bake cookies sugar free now and have so much fun coming up with new ones with my kids.

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