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The Reality that is Starvation Mode

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So it has been 2 years and 2 months since my surgery and I have lost 85 lbs. I went in today for my yearly check up and a tiny fill. There is a dietitian's office above the office where I get filled and I decided to go up there on a whim because I have had to fight the last 30lbs off.


When I say I fight I mean fight, 1-2 lbs a month with lots of exercise. I recently had my blood work done and it is perfect, my thyroid is completely normal. There goes theory #1. Theory #2 was my metabolism. I had my metabolic rate checked at the dietitians today and guess what? For my height, weight, sex and age my metabolism is 20%faster than normal and with moderate exercise I burn 3500cal a day. A DAY!!!


Now what did I learn from this visit?? I have messed myself up. Yes I burn that many calories but what is my body eating? Muscle because I am in the previously-believed fictitious state of Starvation Mode.


For the last 18 months I have pretty much eaten once a day (in the evening) and consumed 500-700 calories. This is where I made the mistake apparently.


:confused:Is there any advice out there for breaking starvation mode, especially chronic starvation mode? Is it even possible or am I doomed to fight the scale instead of being able to embrace that which the LAP-BAND® can offer me?:confused:

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So it has been 2 years and 2 months since my surgery and I have lost 85 lbs. I went in today for my yearly check up and a tiny fill. There is a dietitian's office above the office where I get filled and I decided to go up there on a whim because I have had to fight the last 30lbs off.

When I say I fight I mean fight, 1-2 lbs a month with lots of exercise. I recently had my blood work done and it is perfect, my thyroid is completely normal. There goes theory #1. Theory #2 was my metabolism. I had my metabolic rate checked at the dietitians today and guess what? For my height, weight, sex and age my metabolism is 20%faster than normal and with moderate exercise I burn 3500cal a day. A DAY!!!

Now what did I learn from this visit?? I have messed myself up. Yes I burn that many calories but what is my body eating? Muscle because I am in the previously-believed fictitious state of Starvation Mode.

For the last 18 months I have pretty much eaten once a day (in the evening) and consumed 500-700 calories. This is where I made the mistake apparently.

:confused:Is there any advice out there for breaking starvation mode, especially chronic starvation mode? Is it even possible or am I doomed to fight the scale instead of being able to embrace that which the LAP-BAND® can offer me?;)

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I would introduce whey protein shakes before you go to bed to slow the catabolic state and then have one again when you wake up.

Remember you want to take in as much protein as you want to weigh. So if you want to weigh 200lbs, take in 200grams of protein daily to keep your muscles fed building, instead of losing them. (200lbs is just an example.)

Anything your body doesn't use it will eliminate the old fashion way, so don't worry about over doing it. Eat your proteins, introduce protein shakes again right before bed and right when you wake and that should help out alot.

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I think I better up my protein I may not be eating enough of it either. Going to the NP on Monday will ask about this. Best wishes to both of you. Thanks for the info. imaluckydog

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I would have to agree. Protein, protein, protein. My nutritionist said eat as much protein as I can stand. Your body will change and use the protein to meet your other needs (carbs, fats, etc). And yes, if you don't get enought, it will start eating your muscles.

You also need to get at least 1000 or more calories. Especially if you are working out. Good luck. I am sure if you up your calories and your protein you are going to see a change.

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I don't even know how you can go all day and only eat that much. You definitely need to up your calories. You could be losing a lot more weight if you were eating more (totally sounds counterproductive, right?). Definitely up your protein. A great site I found for protein is All Natural Bulk Foods: Pure Whey Protein Powders & Powdered NonFat Dry Milk - Dairy Wholesale Direct Bulk Food. It's an unflavored protein powder, which not only works great in shakes, but I can add a spoonful to my oatmeal, Crystal Light, or just about any other food I want without affecting the taste. It's a super easy way to get more protein in. Also, try having a shake for breakfast, and maybe one for lunch to get your body used to consuming more calories. Then try having actual meals, but don't forget about the protein, too!

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