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I did my first filling 12/14/09

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Did my first filling on 12/14/09 got my 5 cc its was not as bad as I thought it would be. But after wards oh :confused: vomitting, choking on soup and cranberry juice. Could not keep nothing down. Not even my pills or water where staying down. So I called the doctor 12/15/09 and he is going take a little out.:blink: But oh my god if this is what I have to look forward to next filling.:sad: then no thanks. lol So I hope it gets better. :)

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Did my first filling on 12/14/09 got my 5 cc its was not as bad as I thought it would be. But after wards oh ;) vomitting, choking on soup and cranberry juice. Could not keep nothing down. Not even my pills or water where staying down. So I called the doctor 12/15/09 and he is going take a little out.:ohmy: But oh my god if this is what I have to look forward to next filling.:wub: then no thanks. lol So I hope it gets better. :crying:

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I am scheduled for my first filling on the 22nd, and I am nervous but I can't wait. Stay positive. It will get better.

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5cc on your first fill is very aggressive, even if you have the large 14cc band. I'm not surprised your tummy wasn't happy.

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