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Well as you can probably tell from the title i am currently at a stand still:sad:. I went to a specialist the other day (I have a pulmonologist....long story) and they of course weighed me in being i only go every 6mos or so,it seems i'm still @ the weight I last was when i had my 2nd BIG WEIGH-IN:confused:. Don't get me wrong I'm pleased to have lost this first 40lbs but I don't want to stop here:unsure:. I have a lot more to go before they will place the band because my BMI is still too high. :thumbup:Good news though is i'm not discouraged and this will just make me work even harder.

I was speaking w/ my father & brother about it and they suggested a regular exercise regimen. I think i'll start back on the "shimmy'ing" because that was always so much fun. Plus i never get bored with shaking my tush lol:lol:. I suggested shopping (there's walking in shopping lol) but of course that's the shop-a-holic talking in me and not the "fitness fanatic" that should be talking. Oh wait i think i mentioned in my "uh oh" blog that i ate a piece of cheese cake. HA! Turns out I actually had :tongue2: 3 pieces through the entire month so i'm grateful my weight didn't go up. I'm still beating myself up for that mishap though.

Christmas is upon us and i'm excited about it. I just like the idea of spending time w/ my family , listening to my parents old Temptations Christmas album and reminiscing on old times w/ my brother. Yeah those are what good times are made of.

I keep running out of my protein "food" but i suppose it's because i've been getting the travel/office size instead of the big container. :thumbup:So I finally ordered the big container seeing as i'm going to be doing this for a while now. :w00t:I'm psyched though and excited about losing more weight, looking my best (can i look any better lol) and feeling much healthier. (Exhales)

More to come later nothing else to report.

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Well as you can probably tell from the title i am currently at a stand still:sad:. I went to a specialist the other day (I have a pulmonologist....long story) and they of course weighed me in being i only go every 6mos or so,it seems i'm still @ the weight I last was when i had my 2nd BIG WEIGH-IN:confused:. Don't get me wrong I'm pleased to have lost this first 40lbs but I don't want to stop here:unsure:. I have a lot more to go before they will place the band because my BMI is still too high. :thumbup:Good news though is i'm not discouraged and this will just make me work even harder.

I was speaking w/ my father & brother about it and they suggested a regular exercise regimen. I think i'll start back on the "shimmy'ing" because that was always so much fun. Plus i never get bored with shaking my tush lol:lol:. I suggested shopping (there's walking in shopping lol) but of course that's the shop-a-holic talking in me and not the "fitness fanatic" that should be talking. Oh wait i think i mentioned in my "uh oh" blog that i ate a piece of cheese cake. HA! Turns out I actually had ;) 3 pieces through the entire month so i'm grateful my weight didn't go up. I'm still beating myself up for that mishap though.

Christmas is upon us and i'm excited about it. I just like the idea of spending time w/ my family , listening to my parents old Temptations Christmas album and reminiscing on old times w/ my brother. Yeah those are what good times are made of.

I keep running out of my protein "food" but i suppose it's because i've been getting the travel/office size instead of the big container. :thumbup:So I finally ordered the big container seeing as i'm going to be doing this for a while now. :w00t:I'm psyched though and excited about losing more weight, looking my best (can i look any better lol) and feeling much healthier. (Exhales)

More to come later nothing else to report.

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