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A day to go

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Well, its been a hard few weeks. I have been away on business and drinking shakes, yuck! Tomorrow is the BIG day, surgery at 2:30. So excited and scared at the same time. Looking forward to that bikini when the time is right. My family is behind me, however, my mom is scared for "surgery". Explained that this was a way to prevent future medical issues. Kids are worried but they don't say anything, I can just see it in thier faces. Husband has been great so far!! I could not have asked for a better family!! Co-Workers are so supportive. I have a great team in place for great results. Hugs all !!:thumbup:

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Well, its been a hard few weeks. I have been away on business and drinking shakes, yuck! Tomorrow is the BIG day, surgery at 2:30. So excited and scared at the same time. Looking forward to that bikini when the time is right. My family is behind me, however, my mom is scared for "surgery". Explained that this was a way to prevent future medical issues. Kids are worried but they don't say anything, I can just see it in thier faces. Husband has been great so far!! I could not have asked for a better family!! Co-Workers are so supportive. I have a great team in place for great results. Hugs all !!:sneaky:

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Tell them not to worry!! Had my surgery on Monday, and went to a job interview on Wednesday. Just make sure you walk around every few hrs.

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All will go well Best Wishes to you on your journey. I have been banded 5 months and it will change your life for the better. I am a new person. I just am so happy all the time. I wake up with a smile and go to bed with a smile. I cannot believe that five months have passed where did the time go? Have fun first month for me was the hardest. Just stick to the plan. Happy life. imaluckydog

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