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Don't know when to stop eating?????

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I was banded 1 1/2 months ago. I had my first fill..... but my stomach doesn't let me know when i'm full....... please tell me what to do????? i lost 10 lb since the surgery.... I truley don't know what to do....

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I was banded 1 1/2 months ago. I had my first fill..... but my stomach doesn't let me know when i'm full....... please tell me what to do????? i lost 10 lb since the surgery.... I truley don't know what to do....

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I am at the same place you are. I am 6 wks in and had adjustment 2 wks ago. I am at a stand still on weight lose I think because I can't seem to get full either.

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Don't try to get full. Just eat the protein and veg, however much your doc said you should and stop. It may not seem like you will be satisfied but soon after you will be fine. It's like a little miracle.

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I don't always get that FULL sensation or at least it is different then it used to be. However, I measure everything I eat. I purchased a digital food scale for $20 and I measure out 6 ounces. I put it on a side plate so it looks like I am not being deprived. I know that I can eat all of it and not make myself sick and still feel satisfied. It really does help. My only struggle is when I eat out, so I try not to do that too often.

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