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I Hate My Lap Band

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ok this is my first blog i got my band may 19 2009 ive lost 10 pounds i have 5cc in my band im not happy at all im hungry and i dont know how this is going to play out i hope for the best:cursing:

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ok this is my first blog i got my band may 19 2009 ive lost 10 pounds i have 5cc in my band im not happy at all im hungry and i dont know how this is going to play out i hope for the best:cursing:

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You're almost at the 7 month mark, you should have lost more than that ideally. Ofcourse I don't know where you started. But what food choices are you making? How much are you exercising. I'm sure you know this but, the band is a tool it doesn't do it for you. What does your Doctor and nutrionalist suggest? Is a mental hunger or a real hunger, sometimes if we don't prepare for the surgery mentally before hand, it's almost like we never had it. Hope your situation gets better, without knowing the details hard to give advice.

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