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1st Day post-op

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Hello all fellow-lapbanders,


This is my first day post-op and first time on a blog,


I recieved the band on Decmeber 4th and this morning I am in a lot of pain. Oddly, I think I have more pain in my shoulders and back then I do my stomach, is this normal?


Also, standing and sitting is painful but I'll make it thru.


Hope to hear from anyone.


Till next time

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Hello all fellow-lapbanders,

This is my first day post-op and first time on a blog,

I recieved the band on Decmeber 4th and this morning I am in a lot of pain. Oddly, I think I have more pain in my shoulders and back then I do my stomach, is this normal?

Also, standing and sitting is painful but I'll make it thru.

Hope to hear from anyone.

Till next time

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Yeah that is common it is from all the gas they use to pump up your stomach for the surgery. It is important to walk around a bit to get the gasses moving and get them out.. HOpe that helps..

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very normal... its those gas bubbles that get stuck. what helped me was walking around the house. it will go away.. for me it was all at once.then i started noticing that my large incision was soar and one corner was not healing as well as the rest, so that took my full attention for a while. I guess having my kids jump up on me wasnt a good idea..

hope you feel better soon.. best of luck

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It is actually called deferred pain. I just studied this in my anatomy class. With the way our nerves run through our body we will sometimes have internal pain that will be deferred to a more superficial place on the body. Here is a blog about it with a pic Anatomy Notes: Referred pain.. This teacher calls it referred pain.

Hope you have a quick recovery.

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