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I have experience with both HRT and anti-depression meds, I would caution you that both increased my appetite. :thumbup:

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The above comment can be true. But prozac and the SSRI' s generally don't increase your appetite. Actually some of them like Wellbutrin and Effexor can decrease them. I know a lot of women taking low doses for hot flashes.

BG did you go off your Estrogen completely?

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INCREASED APPETITE? HE!! TO THE NO!!!!! I hope it's not true, but now I'll be more aware in case, thanks. Barbara- yep, off it completely...the one he gave me last year was both of them in one pill and I was getting suddenly getting whacky side effects, which I assumed related to the pill. Both my PCP and now the new OBGYN said with my sister/history of stroke I shouldn't be on hormones without a really good reason...bummer...I keep hearing great stories about woment 'turning back the clock' with the estrogen...oh well, at least with the weight loss I'll only feel like a 50 yr. old instead of an 80 yo. Do you have any advice? -BG

PS- I just went and looked at the Rx and it is for Effexor...YAY...she said it was like Prozac and she gets the best results with that one.

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I started menopause last year. I was on Bio-identical hormones for awhile this year and I loved them. They really helped with the hot flashes but did not help with libido issues. I stopped taking them a couple of months ago because they are expensive and insurance won't pay for them.

Oddly, I started my period immediately following surgery. My first one in over a year. That was weird.

Anyway, I found that Anti-Ds were the most helpful thing. I take Lexapro and wellbutrin and it keeps me from running folks off the road. (a true story that I may have to tell some time) but they don't make me any hungrier.

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BG, The first time I started Effexor I lost a lot of weight, (25 lbs) without trying. I just wasn't interested in food. That was years ago when it first came out.Then for whatever reasons I went off it. Then I went back on it and have had good results. I didn't loose a lot of weight because they change the med. to time release. It delivers the medicine slower and longer. I also had a full hysterectomy in 2006. I take perarin 0.45 mg. Its second to the lowest dose according to my dr. The lowest dose I was still having the unbearable hot flashes. I went on this dose and zero hot flashes. I am grateful not to have them. I would love to on on the Bio-iden. but for the same reason, I hear they can be quit costly. I haven't ruled them out, I just am so content with the dose of Premarin I don't want to mess with anything.....

One last comment BG, one word of warning I know from Effexor is when the time comes when you want to go off of them, they have a not so fun withdrawal, "serotonin syndrome zap" thats what I call it.....its describes as brain zaps, feels like vertigo. But it does pass. You just taper off slowly. Anyway, its been a good medicine for me. Take care.

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LOL I am just laughing so hard at this!! Go read the email I just sent you!! I need some of your happy pills!!!!

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