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I got banded 11/25/09

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Im down 14 lbs in 2 weeks. My bellys is so bloated I cant tell. When does the bloating go down? I need some liquids I can have Im running out of ideas. Im realy looking forward to my weight loss. Any sugguestions would be great.:thumbup:

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Im down 14 lbs in 2 weeks. My bellys is so bloated I cant tell. When does the bloating go down? I need some liquids I can have Im running out of ideas. Im realy looking forward to my weight loss. Any sugguestions would be great.:cursing:

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Stay focused and follow the band rules. It took me two weeks to feel better. Bloating does go down but not for a while. I suggest different flavors of drinks and I made beef, veg, and poultry stocks to eat. All were yummy. You will be looking forward to food but do not push it you do need to heal. Best wishes. I am sure you will do well stay positive. imaluckydog

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