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Yooooo Gabba Pancakes (and Turkey)!

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My family and I had sooooo much fun today! My son is 2 and we took him to see his favorite toddler celebrities at Yo Gabba Gabba Live. We had a ball. There were balloons falling from the ceiling and confetti cannons blasting the arena. Erykah Badu and Biz Markie even showed up to sing and beat box. My son got to see the characters up close, touched DJ Lance and Muno, and stood by Biz when he came out into the crowd. I have never had so much fun even at an adult concert. Well, there was that one time when I got kicked out of a Rolling Stones concert but that's a story for another blog, right M?


Anyway, with all the excitement, I didn't think too much about food except that I noticed pancakes everywhere. We drove by iHop and I whimpered a little thinking about a nice fluffy short stack with lots of butter and syrup. Then I started noticing pancakes everywhere. My husband and I counted 8 references. How much is one person supposed to take in one day without eating a pancake?! (I didn't but I still want to)


After the show, my husband decided he wanted turkey. He thought it would be a good idea to pull ours out of the freezer and cook it up so he and our son would have something to easy to eat while I was in the hospital having my surgery. We have an entire pre-cooked Thanksgiving meal in the freezer because we didn't end up eating it on Thursday. Never one to cook a small mean, I decided to cook him the entire lot of TG food. I heated everything up while he took our son to visit his "Ain't Beff".


The food was done before he came back. Wait. Actually, he came back several times after dinner was done and I begged him to hurry up and eat so I wouldn't be tempted. But he had to go get cat food. Then he forgot the money and had to come back and go out again for cat food. And I was alone...with a turkey and all the fixins.


The temptation was too heavy. I tried to stop myself. I really did. I paced around the kitchen. I talked to myself. I left the room. I watched TV...but all I could smell was that damned turkey.


I am supposed to be only drinking clear liquids for the next day and a half. But I couldn't take it anymore. The turkey was calling me. 3 bites of turkey and 2 bites of stuffing plus half a carrot went down the chute before I knew what hit me. Clearly I have an obsessive problem with food. Duh. That's what got me here.


I am trying not to beat myself up too much over it but I feel like a failure. (even though the carrot--of all things---was the best thing I have ever put in my mouth. Really)


I tried to get myself back on track by having hubs help me pack the food up so I wouldn't be tempted to eat while I packed. Then, I made broth out of the bones. It's not exactly clear...but its close. I finished off the night with a cup of broth, a protein water, and two strawberry hard candies (I read someplace that we could have those).


But now I am wondering if I screwed everything up. Am I doomed? Do I have to reschedule my surgery? :thumbup:

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My family and I had sooooo much fun today! My son is 2 and we took him to see his favorite toddler celebrities at Yo Gabba Gabba Live. We had a ball. There were balloons falling from the ceiling and confetti cannons blasting the arena. Erykah Badu and Biz Markie even showed up to sing and beat box. My son got to see the characters up close, touched DJ Lance and Muno, and stood by Biz when he came out into the crowd. I have never had so much fun even at an adult concert. Well, there was that one time when I got kicked out of a Rolling Stones concert but that's a story for another blog, right M?

Anyway, with all the excitement, I didn't think too much about food except that I noticed pancakes everywhere. We drove by iHop and I whimpered a little thinking about a nice fluffy short stack with lots of butter and syrup. Then I started noticing pancakes everywhere. My husband and I counted 8 references. How much is one person supposed to take in one day without eating a pancake?! (I didn't but I still want to)

After the show, my husband decided he wanted turkey. He thought it would be a good idea to pull ours out of the freezer and cook it up so he and our son would have something to easy to eat while I was in the hospital having my surgery. We have an entire pre-cooked Thanksgiving meal in the freezer because we didn't end up eating it on Thursday. Never one to cook a small mean, I decided to cook him the entire lot of TG food. I heated everything up while he took our son to visit his "Ain't Beff".

The food was done before he came back. Wait. Actually, he came back several times after dinner was done and I begged him to hurry up and eat so I wouldn't be tempted. But he had to go get cat food. Then he forgot the money and had to come back and go out again for cat food. And I was alone...with a turkey and all the fixins.

The temptation was too heavy. I tried to stop myself. I really did. I paced around the kitchen. I talked to myself. I left the room. I watched TV...but all I could smell was that damned turkey.

I am supposed to be only drinking clear liquids for the next day and a half. But I couldn't take it anymore. The turkey was calling me. 3 bites of turkey and 2 bites of stuffing plus half a carrot went down the chute before I knew what hit me. Clearly I have an obsessive problem with food. Duh. That's what got me here.

I am trying not to beat myself up too much over it but I feel like a failure. (even though the carrot--of all things---was the best thing I have ever put in my mouth. Really)

I tried to get myself back on track by having hubs help me pack the food up so I wouldn't be tempted to eat while I packed. Then, I made broth out of the bones. It's not exactly clear...but its close. I finished off the night with a cup of broth, a protein water, and two strawberry hard candies (I read someplace that we could have those).

But now I am wondering if I screwed everything up. Am I doomed? Do I have to reschedule my surgery? :cursing:

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I am sure you will be fine. Best wishes to you follow the rules after your surgery to the letter. You sound as excited as I was about this. Your family will be supportive. I know what you are saying about the pancakes. It is so hard to retrain my thoughts, I also have problems sometimes. I had an very nice non food Thanksgiving. My mind was on everything else but the food this year. Best wishes. imaluckydog

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I think you will be fine as well. I have been reading all the posts here and some doctors have you on 2 protein shakes and one low carb supper. Cause I have also snagged one bit here and there.. Nothing huge but I have to admit I have as well... The liquids is to shrink the liver so I think you will be fine one slip up is not going to enlarge it.. Not a doctor but just guessing... LOL

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