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Post op - 14 days

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I am pleasantly surprised to report that I am almost completely back to normal. I go back to work on Monday, and I'm really glad I took two weeks of STD to recover. I mostly slept and walked, but I think my body needed the break from the stress. Driving is still a little uncomfortable, but unfortunately I have a 45 minute commute. Hopefully it's not too bad.


My incisions, with the except of the port one, are almost impossible to find. The port incision is the only one that still tingles occasionally. I'll post pics later this weekend. My boyfriend and I took a weekend trip to Ocean City, MD. I'm still on mushies, but l count crab legs and crab cakes as mushies! This is definitely the hardest phase for me, b/c I can rationalize that everything is a mushie (if I chew it enough). I'm scared of screwing up my surgeon's hard work though, so I'm not taking too much leeway.


Question: Any lunch suggestions? I'm going to end up with mercury poisoning b/c I eat tuna, salmon, shrimp or some kind of seafood almost everyday. It's soft, and easily mushed with light mayo or italian dressing.

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I am pleasantly surprised to report that I am almost completely back to normal. I go back to work on Monday, and I'm really glad I took two weeks of STD to recover. I mostly slept and walked, but I think my body needed the break from the stress. Driving is still a little uncomfortable, but unfortunately I have a 45 minute commute. Hopefully it's not too bad.

My incisions, with the except of the port one, are almost impossible to find. The port incision is the only one that still tingles occasionally. I'll post pics later this weekend. My boyfriend and I took a weekend trip to Ocean City, MD. I'm still on mushies, but l count crab legs and crab cakes as mushies! This is definitely the hardest phase for me, b/c I can rationalize that everything is a mushie (if I chew it enough). I'm scared of screwing up my surgeon's hard work though, so I'm not taking too much leeway.

Question: Any lunch suggestions? I'm going to end up with mercury poisoning b/c I eat tuna, salmon, shrimp or some kind of seafood almost everyday. It's soft, and easily mushed with light mayo or italian dressing.

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I eat seafood every day and NO you will NOT get poisoned!

I have lost so much and I think it is my food choices. I am almost sure it has been a help and I feel so much better for it. Keep doin' what you are doin' if it works for you. Best wishes imaluckydog

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Hi, I'm 11 days post-op and am supposed to still be on liquids until day 14, but the boredom was so bad, I've been eating small amounts of mushy food. I'm then supposed to have puree for the next 2 weeks, which sounds like overkill, especially as if you are eating soft foods and chewing intensly, it's all going to be pureed by the time it gets to your stomach. I'm about to check out the recipes section here; I cant believe my luck to find this site, as I havent found one for us here in Australia.

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