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11/10/09 Game Weekend

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We had a great weekend! OK, I gained 5 pounds in TWO days…sigh…not sure how that is even possible, not the best choices, but 5 pounds? I listed what I ate below, but I also drank some wine/beer-plenty, but not in excess. We got to PSU around 4:30pm and picked up DS1 at his dorm. I was SO happy to see him again. You talk to your kids when they're away, but there's something about seeing them that really helps to know they're alright; especially their first semester. I looked him up and down just to make sure…he'd gotten a haircut and hasn't gained the Freshman 15 yet-could probably used it (not sure what I expected…disheveled hair, signs of depression or severe homesickness?). He looked…happy…I was breathing easy again.


We went over to see the fraternity house (where he wants to live next year). They'd had a Social (party) the night before…let's just say it looked like a house where thirty some college boys live (feet sticking to the floor...think 'Animal House'). DH's house was the same in college. The 'brothers' were really nice…they were all painting the upstairs hall and they're in the process of refinishing the downstairs oak floors so they were really proud of their work. We found out DS1's pledge name is 'Twilight' because he looks like the lead (Robert Pattinson).


We met my SIL and her family (and my PSU Goddaughter) for dinner at The Corner (1 crab cake and 1 rib) and then we went back to the rental house. We left for the tailgate Saturday about 9:30am (coffee and ¼ bagel w/cream cheese). One of SIL's neighbors and several of the neighbors PSU Alumni friends joined us, so we had 5 cars tailgating. It was a great tailgate…lots of great food and some games to play (ate mostly dips/chips and a small piece of steak, probably more than a cup since it was over 4.5 hours). It was a beautiful football day…over 60 degrees and sunny (unusually warm for November).


We had one problem with a large group of students (and about 8 parents who stood by and did absolutely nothing) throwing food and a football at us and an OSU/PSU mixed group between us (in our OSU gear with our mainly PSU tailgate) and them (they'd had too much to drink). It started when one of the group next to us was waving an OSU flag so that someone coming to the tailgate could find them. One PSU young Alumni told me he went over and tried to talk to the students and get them to stop as they'd hit his wife in the face with a football…they just jeered at him. DD was really upset that someone stole two small OSU flags off one of our games…I tried to calm her down and let her know that you get out of control people at every school. That put a damper on things for a little while, but we still had a great tailgate with our OSU/PSU mixed group…we just ignored them.

2009Citizens_010OhioState_clear.gif They gave out this button everywhere

DS1 and his friends came over to tailgate for awhile…it didn't surprise me a bit that he came in full face paint (paw print logo he drew on his face and even his hair was painted white. He was thrilled that he was going to sit in the 'Seniors Section' and got to be in row 4 (students all in one section in the end zone and around one corner by class-best seats for Seniors and Paternoville) since he'd done the campout at Paternoville with 10 of his friends.


The game started at 3:30pm and it was a perfect night. The PSU stadium is really nice and the 'Whiteout' the students had was really impressive (voted best student section in the nation-ESPN). They give out white 'shaker poms' to each student and it's cool to watch all the synchronized things they do to music and chants. It got really cold soon as the sun went down, but I'd outfitted all of us with hats, gloves and scarves and had extra chemical hand-warmers to pass out to the group. OSU won. We had a late dinner (few chips/dip-PB'd them up eating too fast, and few bites of a hotdog) back at the house (some family drama, but I'll save that for tomorrow).

(you tube- student section at the game)


We picked up DS1 early (don't think he had even 4 hours of sleep that night LOL) and we all went to breakfast (1 scrambled egg and about ½C of oatmeal) with SIL's family and said our goodbyes. We picked up all our camping gear (Paternoville) back at DS1's dorm and walked over to the Creamery (Food Sciences run shop) for an ice cream (I did have a chocolate shake) and to finally have a chance to just talk to DS1...he'd made an appointment with a counselor this week to discuss switching majors, so we'll see what comes out of that meeting…it's reassuring to see he's being proactive and handling things well. He's having a blast at school, making lots of friends, and getting involved…it's as much a part of the college experience and becoming an adult as getting a degree is and we're happy he's adjusting to college so well!




Attached Pics:

- My family spelling O-H-I-O

- Student Section at PSU

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My husband and I both want to see a game at PSU. And OSU! I have a cousin who was in the band at OSU (my family is from Ohio, too) and being a Texas A&M Ag myself - I do love halftime shows! Course, A&M is on that top five list of best student sections, too. And my bias must show through somewhere - I don't think our student section can be beat. Come on - what's better than the 12th Man?

Ok, I'm off my box. :confused:

Odd to gain five pounds. Maybe it was less to do with the food and more to do with the activity? Doesn't seem possible with what you ate that you could have gained.

Sounds like a fun weekend no matter what, though - and that's what you'll remember in the future. I'm telling you - THAT is what you'll remember. Repeat after me...you are getting very sleepy...

Ok...I'm done. :confused:

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I sat next to a guy who just graduated and was in the PSU Blue Band last year...he was telling us lots of great stories...halftime is the best! OK, I'll bite...what's the '12th Man'?

Yeah, still up 4 pounds this morning...incredible...sigh.

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First I want to tell you how lucky you are to be able to go to your son's college games. My son is a SR. at UofA and Tucson is a 7 hr. drive for us. He calls telling us that their football team is doing awesome and he is really into it like your family, the only games I can relate to is our San Diego Chargers. I loved the photo of your family spelling out your Ohio team. You had your hair in pigtails or braids, you looked 16 in that picture. As for the five lbs, no sweat, you been there, done that before. I will give you an example what happened to me this week, I get up in the morning, pee, striped buck naked got on the scale and "praise the Lord I hit a number I haven't seen in years" 15mins. later I did it again, and just drinking water to get my pills down I weighed in 4 lbs heavier than 15 mins ago.....go figure?????

On top of all that, right now my husband and I took a little mini vacation, we are in Palm Springs at a beautiful resort right now. So, as I am typing this to you, I am sipping on a vodka cranberry cocktail. So, I will be up a few lbs, not big deal, I will get back on track. Ps..I got my fill and I am 7.5 cc in my 10cc band and I really think this is my sweet spot. I have to new self assurance that now the real work will begin.....I am so happy with this whole process now, may not early on but I see light at the end of the tunnel. I have had this fill for 10 days now, and 3 different occasions I was going to go in for a unfil, but its like I turned the corner and now feel like I can handle less. All I know is I feel more confident.

Ask me Friday when we drive back to SD and I go and weigh in,,,,,ouch! Take care my friend. Barbara

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The game looks like So much fun thanks for sharing the good times. Do not let the gain take up any more space in your head. That is just the way things are. You are so strong with this tool and it does work. The body will hold onto fluid like a job. It will be gone in no time. I still have no desire to buy a scale yet. I do feel my body heavier on some days and I eat all the same foods. I can tell by my rings and how they fit. You have been such a wonderful support to me. I just want to say thank you. I always love reading your blog. Have a great day. imaluckydog Kathy

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Whacky weight!! Kathy- Today I'm down 2.5 from yesterday and I ate like normal...that puts me up 1.5 from last Friday...OK, 1.5 I can understand. Having the partial hysterectomy I have no clue when I'm cycling, so maybe that's it. Thanks for the support GF!

Barbara- You'll have to go out for a long weekend sometime (DH had to take Fri. off for us to go)...college football is fun. Have fun on your mini-vaca...sounds wonderful!!!!!

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Since I am posting to explain 12th Man, I want to start with - yesterday I read another blog of yours - from June I believe. You had been out in the yard all weekend working working working. And over that weekend you gained 4 pounds. By the end of the week it was gone and a few more dropped. So I think this might be like that - it was a different activity. If your body gets used to something, it stops reacting as well if at all. So when you change it up - it says "what" and goes into starvation mode. And when it realizes you were just being different - it says "ok, here you go". I predict an overall loss at the end of this week. :confused:

(Eeeks, I hope I'm not just spewing forth words here.)

Ok, 12th Man.

It's actually patented. The Seattle Seahawks tried to steal it from us a few years ago and we took em to court. That's another story.

12th Man was born in 1922 when our football team had all of 11 players. If anyone of them had been injured we would have had to forfeit the game. So E. King Gill stood up and suited up and said "coach, I'm ready if you need me". No one was injured and we went on to win the game, but ever since, all students must stand through the entire game to let the coach and the team know that the fans are there if they are needed.

We also create a buzz by constantly yelling "A" when the opponents offense is on the field. It gets so loud in there that when they are in a huddle they cannot hear the quarterback talk.

I am a former student (no, not an alum) and so technically am an "elephant" and no longer need to stand. But most alum do still stand - especially those of us that pay to remain on the student side. Our entire east side of the stadium is student seating save two sections.

We are known for getting that stadium rocking - when we sing our "Fighting Texas Aggie War Hymm" at one point in the song we lock arms and legs and start to sway. Announcers have gotten sick from that "swaying" and claim that the stadium is moving.

Aren't you glad you asked?

I'll stop here even though there's a ton more I can tell you!

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ld- Wow cool student section and neat story! ...and I'm still up a pound sigh.

DanBar- LOL! No, but some beer! I'm always amazed at the things people choose argue over here...I will not get sucked in...not...not...not...

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