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At last a diagnosis

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Saw the Surgeon today pain swelling and strange looking lump near the port. CT Scan revealed a seroma a large pocket of nasty fluid It felt a little better after they drained in but that was short lived, swollen up again but I am on antibiotics for 10 days hope it clears up and this is not due to erosion of the band The Jurys still out on that they will know more when the cultures come back. Hope the band isn't the culprit:sad:

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Saw the Surgeon today pain swelling and strange looking lump near the port. CT Scan revealed a seroma a large pocket of nasty fluid It felt a little better after they drained in but that was short lived, swollen up again but I am on antibiotics for 10 days hope it clears up and this is not due to erosion of the band The Jurys still out on that they will know more when the cultures come back. Hope the band isn't the culprit:sad:

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